Was having a hard time breathing so decide time to kick the old habit I do get moody at times, but I remind myself it will pass breath read a book. Best wishes for success to all that endeavor end their addiction and I pray for those that dont see it yet. Help Passed all the major and intense withdrawals except these. half way through my second moth I started again for 3 days and I just fell on my knees and told my Higher Power that I couldnt quit and ask for His intersesstion. i am glad for you. Im nearing 3 weeks of no cigs. i dont have the money to go to the doctor everytime a new symptom pops up so i was hoping to get some feedback from someone who is possible going through the same thing. I was crabby, irritable, angry, anxious, weepy, dizzy and had brain fog from hell. I still have the craving, but the mental anguish hasnt been as hard as giving up smoking. 3 stents and a catheter in my femoral artery motivated me. I am beginning to feel a bit better but this quitting cigs is no joke!! Fainting. I quit 2 days ago and I have terrible nightmares every night so far. The two chemicals when released in extra quantity than the brain normally does, serve to improve cognitive brain functions such as clear thinking and the brains power to memorize, etc. The Easy Way to Quit Smoking. Best Methods To Beat Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms. However, I still get that hangover feeling, first thing in the morning. Today I didnt smoke and I will let my Higher Power help me again tomorrow. Many of the patients who were hospitalized after vaping THC or nicotine were reported to have run fevers. over a year ago, guest Cold turkey along with self hypnosis inductions. My car is clean I dont miss moments with my kids and my wife is happier I motivated her to stop some of her own vices. ?? Try to get in at least 30 minutes a day. Iam still vaping after 14 months no nicotine but iam sick of the juice i feel i need nicotine i think i quit the nicotine to early, Chills? GetThe Healthy @Readers Digestnewsletterfor whats happening in health and wellness in your inbox each morning. I am determined to beat this and not let cigarettes ever take control of my life again! The 0% makes it easier because you can still vape while losing the nicotine out of your system. Ive been smoking since I was 17, im now 33 and have given up the cigs for good, now Im going on to my 3rd week Cold Turkey, and yes Ive seen the and felt and noticed the withdrawal symptoms and boy I actaually looked for info to explain whats going on with me. I tapered off the time before and this time using patches. But week 2 is so much better and now I can see myself doing it. One less ciggy a day equals 365 less ciggies a year. The first couple of days were horrid with disassociation and totally spaced out and filled with fear .. thats when I started patches they help level me out. i have to admit it really wasnt that difficult,i was in aw. Allen Carr can fuck himself. I also am smoking the electric cigarette now too if there are those of you that miss the routine of smoking. I took 3 days off of work before a weekend, and made a bed in the basement to separate myself from my family due to my anger and mood swings. Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world Ive done it a thousand times Mark Twain, I wonder what led or contributed to his heart attack RIP. Stick with veggies or fruit for cravings and get up start walking around and tell yourself NO. Battling anxiety and panic attacks at least twice a week. For some, yoga, meditations, and breath practices work well. If I get on a antidepressant, I cant take tramadol for my arthritis. Hang in there. Many thanks, Hi Melanie, thanks for writing, its normal to be scared. Look up stop smoking Allen Carr and you should be able to find it. Losing the urge to smoke and the bad withdrawal symptoms are settling down. Oh yes! I prayed about it-and then started Chantix . Why you're feeling it. Tightness in the chest is often caused by your body craving nicotine. Thanks for sharing it helped me, I smoked for 18 years with cigarettes and vaping this last year and this is day 2 without nicotine and day 1 wasnt too bad but day 2 Im getting cravings all day but not sick.. no serious withdrawal symptoms except cravingsgood luck to you allIts mind over matter. I smoked and quit many times over the years. Its true that you cannot concentrate or think good during nicotine withdrawal. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Going through tough experiences is always easier when you can turn to friends and loved ones for emotional support. i quit 3 days ago. Stopping cigar is an external thing but so far your body has consumed nicotine. Once I do that , I think it will be easier. Dont beat yourself up. Im trying to quit vaping at the moment, I gave my vape to my brother and told him to hide it from me. Dr said to see a psychologist??? I got 5 days today off. Only difference is I am not using the patches. Smoke for 15 years and im on my 3rd months free from nicotine 100%. My best friend told me the last time I quit, that quitting both is harder and dont be too hard on yourself to quit both. In as little as 20 minutes, your heart rate returns to normal, your blood pressure drops, and your circulation starts to normalize, says Nikola Djordjevic, MD, project manager of Med Alert Help. Everyone here wants to quit, seems to me.. Risk Of Developing Lung Cancer After Quitting Smoking. I just didnt see anyone write about the symptoms Im having so I thought Id share too. I think? Im on day 3, the mood swings are bad (not like me at all). Doing a range of tests to rule out anything more serious for the high blood pressure. Get extra sleep. She decided to quit smoking - and fainted in the street. has this happened to anyone else and should i be concerned? But it turns out smoking e-cigarettes -- commonly known as vaping -- has its own risks. Ask for their patience if youre a little grumpy. Your Levels Of Inflammation Will Lower. I am gonna stay strong, and I believe in all of you as well!! But go see Dr. Never can be to carefull. [1] I am on day 2, 48 hours in 1 hour. per month and i participated in 5 or 10 km. My day came on New Years Day. Im glad you posted this. I feel periods of nauseousness throughout the day especially when my stomach is empty. Good luck to you! It is also a good idea to talk to someone about your feelings. On day 3. I find if I make room for the bad feeling, accept that its OK to feel it, it moves through me quickly. I have a terrible head cold (no its not withdrawal, definitely a bug), Ive also got a tight chest, this morning its quite sore, and Ive started coughing, Im going to loosen up my chest with lots of hot herbal tea. No negative side effects and its been super easy. Its been horrible and my temper is through the roof. Then the anxiety struck me like a little piece of shit since the last week. They are often the last side effects to cease. I quite for 2 years about 20 years ago. Inhaling the substance has been linked to asmathic reactions as well. I have had this problem maybe for the last 3 days and it has gotten more noticeable but not unbearable by any means. Stupid! I had quit two times in those years one tome because I was pregnant and it was a breeze and the second time just because, it didnt last long, I went back to smoking a month later and here I am today regretting ever placing a cigarette to my mouth. Drink plenty of fluids, such as water, tea and juice. Consider letting yourself have a Hersheys kiss when you feel like having a cigarette. Smoking withdrawal symptoms examined included: irritability, feeling sleepy, sleeplessness, dizziness, coughing, tightness in the chest, constipation, mouth . i have also read it could be anxiety or withdrawals. Okay, this post took a wrong turn. Already the cramping in my abdomen has eased. But that doesnt mean vaping nicotine is safer. Many of the symptoms that manifest in week one continue throughout the entire withdrawal process and can even linger after withdrawal is over. Taking a magnesium supplement will help too , I thought i was doing a good thing by giving up my two cigarettes a day and going to a juul vape. My daughter who is 24 and graduating college soon said Mom, I never thought you would quit and youve given me the confidence that I can do anything! Love the support Thank you Thank you!!! I am more addicted to my e cigarette than anything else. "It is at this point very clear that vaping is not only unhealthy, but it is very dangerous. Golly I feel exactly the sameso hard hoping that tomorrow will feel a bit better.not smoked for 3weeks but really struggling too.think the anxiety is probably the worst experience ever..will still keep going though. Hey Matt, thanks for writing in, were so glad that you liked the article. Someone in my Myspace group shared this website with us so I came to take a look. Yes I am on 0 % nicotine but Im getting the head aches and feeling sick, especially in the morning.. I have to ask, do these damn cravings ever go away? its purely self discipline. I believe its more addictive than smoking in my experience. I actually just had an axiety attack today which took 6 hrs to get rid of. I am now on day 17 and I the cravings are few and far between. I started walking on a treadmill a month ago but cant go more than 20 minutes at a fast walk. Some states even offer free smoking cessation products and counseling. I did have three days a week ago but hadnt read this and symptoms. You might be feeling unpleasant effects in the short-term as changes happen in your body after you quit smoking. After 18yrs its almost 6 weeks without nicotine COLD TURKEY is the only way. She immediately said that this is a well known side effect due to the accumulation of phlegm in the body. Calcium gel caps with magnesium and vitamin d will help you sleep. The physical withdrawal has been hard though. Thanks. I am the smallest in the family but my boys are six one and two. Any tips most welcome. quit three years ago and went to vaping. Usually, anxiety lasts from 3 days to several weeks. I just enjoy the fruity flavours and wild berries etc here in NZ. I started smoking since I was 18. Used a starter vape kit to quit. If you're feeling chest tightness just remember that your doctor has given you a clean bill of health and focus on your breathing. Research has found that people who vape are exposed to toxic metals like lead because of the metal coils used in e-cigarette devices to heat the vape juice into a vapor. 5 days here having that throat scratchy chest tightness thing which really triggers my anxiety! This is so hard! reduces the risk of premature death and can add as much as 10 years to life expectancy. You can even mimic the two finger motion of holding a cigarette or vape. Quitting smoking is one of the most important actions people can take to improve their health. So giving up my final coping mechanism, while going through all these freshly diagnosed conditions (none related to smoking), when stress is as bad for my illnesses as anything, felt absolutely impossible to me. I am right behind you. It does get better but you have to trust it will get better. 20 years smoking. Any activity is fine as long as youre raising your heart rate like I said. I do feel better physically, but feel like I have had a lobotomy! Some body pains, chest pains, anxiety and now discovered I have h pylori ( ulcer). For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. By day 3 the worst is NOT over. If you want to quit nicotine your body is going to react to it so it is all about fighting the urge and powering through it. Had a couple of cravings last week, but they were very weak and after all I went through, it is just not worth it to start smoking again. I dont miss cigarettes or smoking at all yet wish Id never quit because I feel like crap. If youre here, youre probably trying to quit like I am. Good Luck to All. When does this end? Drink water, chew sugar-free gum or suck on sugar-free candy to ease dry mouth and sore throat. How long does it take for body functions to fully recover after one quits smoking?? All I wanted to do was sleep and I became really depressed and ended up back on the vape. Still dont sleep well. Almost all the symptoms are gone and blood pressure is down to 120/70. Its also addictive. Three days ago in bed with flu symptoms. Always happy to hear from you, Jeffrey, Do anyone know thst once u finish the 12 week nicotine therapy then what i will still want nicotine I think but I dont wanna smoke or chain vape again so Im thinking about staying on the lozenges once therapy is finished. Im on day 5 of quitting. . I smoked for about 5/6 years. You may have sore muscles from coughing, or tense muscles from nicotine cravings. Its almost been 2 months and I seem to have developed some kind of arthritis. I mean just the worse. Hey, been a smoker for 24 years. I have only had 4 hours sleep each day since I quit. It has a very short lifespan once introduced to the brain, and therefore must be delivered in very regular doses to maintain the buzz that the brain is used to functioning on. This time around I was a vapomaniac mainly because I can vape anywhere and it does not smell. I am 48 hours into quitting smoking. Yup same thing has happened to me, been smoker off and on for 20 years, been smoking a lot last few years but decided it was time to quit, so I stopped cold turkey 2 weeks and 3 days ago. i smoked for 30 years and i stopped a month ago and i had no idea of the symptoms. That is a long time in such a short life. I am quitting again after 30 years and now 6 back. Im 62 yes old and was diagnoised with lung cancer The cancer in-remission. Called 911 and luckily cleared mucus from my airway and didnt need to go to the ER. You are not going crazy. Fewer cravings are experienced, and they do not last as long as before. I think they changed things up in the last year. There is lots of forums and different ways to deal with it. Life can be good with the right support. over a year ago, ET Other people need us to quit. Feel free to visit whenever you want to reach out to us again if you need any help. I was even an hour and a half late for work because when I finally did fall asleep, I slept right through my alarms. I have a headache everyday all day. Ive just stopped on Sunday night after 26 yrs, Im doing it cold turkey, actually been not too bad, my kids are my motivation plus what I can spend all that extra money on. Quit before cold turkey for 6 years. over the past several years and have kept it off. When younger i used to play lots of basketball and soccer but following several injuries and due to age constrains, i decided to start jogging 4-5 years ago. Good talk though! Take three deep breaths. Although fatigue is a vague symptom, the CDC said people who were hospitalized after vaping often reported feeling fatigued either days or weeks after using an e-cigarette. i have also had the feeling in the right side of my back more recently. However I am to week to do the same. Your lungs are clearing out all the mucus and tar locked up. That familiar feeling of holding a cigarette between your fingers is one of the most powerful associations for most smokers and is likely to be one of the first ways you will feel like something is missing when you quit. And I WAS a smoker for 48 years. Rapid breathing will only ramp up the fight or flight bodily reaction and worsen your symptoms. Until I feel I can trust myself I am not keeping money on me at all or I will give in. After one year, cardiovascular risk reduces by 50 percent, Dr. Djordjevic says. Still have tightness in chest, anxiety, stomach issues but not as severe as couple weeks ago. Im on day two of Nicotine Replacement Patch Im craving cigs more today than yesterday The headache is the worst. Hope this help. Its not for everyone but Ive been smoke free for a week now thanks to Chantix. This lower level of carbon dioxide reduces blood flow to the brain, which may result in the following nervous system and emotional symptoms: Weakness. Day 4 symptoms: overslept & got into work40minutes late, feeling super tired & just not with it, no concentration, zero motivation, dont want to talk to anyone today & just want to go home & hibernate ? Good luck u amazing non smokers, we can do it. Im amusing its nicotine with draws or labor. I was scared too, but I think I was more scared of not quitting. Anxiety and anger through the roof. Whatever it is, i know vape is the cause and I must quit before it gets worse. Cbd is cannaboil its not an addictive sub e3stance, Listen to music, start riding a bike daily, exercise helps with sleep. It is a siren song. so tired! NOW IS MY TIME! A hallmark of quitting cigarettes is the bad mood, high temper, and frustration that a smoker experiences. Turns out im now chain smoking the menthol flavor pod, the equilvant of a pack a day. You are using an out of date browser. In June 2022, the FDA even issued marketing denial orders (MDOs) to JUUL Labs Inc., forcing the company to stop selling and distributing its JUUL device and four types of its JUULpods. The move was part of a largescale effort by the FDA to put the vaping industry under a microscope, requiring companies to prove that their e-cigarette products benefit the public health by helping people cut back on or quit smoking. I'm so discouraged, frustrated and guess just mad that my breathing has seemed to get worse the longer I'm not smoking! It is a demon, for sure. Organize your work in advance, take a few breaks to help with concentration issues. I filled up my gas tank, and then gave my wallet to my wife. The whole thing makes me so angry that nicotine could take such a hold on my day to day life. So he told me i wasnt serious about it. In this time I also earned my medical degree with a specialization in addiction treatment and counseling. I have never felt worse. Took Champix for about 8 weeks on and off. I have been eating more but not excessively and I know that Im now committed and wont be going back. Meanwhile stop quittin cigars one by one. Then the severe indigestion, becoming allergic to so many foods, which the nicotine had been masking and getting the most ridiculous sweet tooth. And for those that are only on here to critique the way people write/spell/express themselves, your missing the ENTIRE message of this post and the reviews of those that are trying to make a positive change in their lives ! My vaping was equivalent to the nicotine of 2.5 packs of cigarettes. My cough and cold symptoms went very quickly which was nice! Beyond Quitting Smoking: Think You Can Have 'Just One"? If I sit for too long, its tough to get moving again. Good luck to you all if you need someone to chat with feel free to write me. As stated in other comments, read Allen Carrs book Easyway to Quit smoking or check out goggle reviews I will make it ALOT EASIER TRUST ME. I do respect all you people who manage to give up. After nine months, lung health improves significantly thanks to the renewal of microscopic hair-like structures inside the lungs that help push out mucus and fight infections, Dr. Djordjevic says. Its tough to think Im quitting both, but I can assure you all its for the better. You already know that quitting smoking is an excellent choice to make for your health. About 6 weeks ago I started working down from 12mg nicotine to 6, 3, and 0. I understand that! I also exercise an hour per day, increased my water intake and suck on hard candies or chew gum when I felt irritable. Puts my mind at ease. That period has led me to vaping, my interest started around 2011. Causes of Phlegm After Quitting Smoking. Causes behind painful breathing, fluid buildup. Glad you arent running an addiction clinic! concerned about your health after using an e-cigarette product. Feel like shit. im having health issues due to the chew so I need to do something. I wont buy illicit cigarettes! But that was one more case of me trying to place the responsibility to quit (and to WANT to quit) on others when Im the only one that can want it enough to make it happen. Its continued for a month now. Chest-tightness. 1 week in. Sounds easier saying it but it is the truth. The are as follows: 1. i started smoking in 1981 and now quitting in April 2018 almost after 37 years. I tire easily and feel slippy much earlier than before. You can do it. Today, is my worst. I am on day 2 and have not been able to stop crying. Stu. Following this rule 2-3 days, youll start feeling less stressed. It sounds like you are experiencing some anxiety due to the circumstances of your friends death. Nicotine is addictive, and you may experience some minor and temporary symptoms. Again Smokers flu. 3 weeks no cigarettes. Here's an overview of why you're feeling tightness in your chest and what you can do to cope: Withdrawal sign or symptom. Thank you, everyone, Ive read every comment; you people are an inspiration. Quitting smoking after finding out you are pregnant. You can do it. Were still not exactly sure the exact cause of it, but there is an inflammatory response that occurs in the lung presumed due to something in the aerosol from vaping, says Joanna Tsai, MD, a pulmonologist at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Breath better too. Sincerely,Diane, Theres an audiobook on YouTube by Allen Carr. I needed to smoke for 5 or 10 more years until I needed oxygen. My mannerisms were happy. I quit cold turkey at 3MG. Not sure those vaping pens are safe at all. I have to quit for sure, found out I have an intestinal yeast/fungal infection and in order to get rid of it I have to quit nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, I havent drink for a month, nor caffeine, nicotine was hardest to kick. I hope I dont get hooked on this stuff, I QUIT SMOKING 1 MONTH and 4 days ago MARCH 1st . Read on to learn exactly what happens in your body the minute you stop vaping. When you smoke, impurities build up in the lungs. Acupuncture finally did the trick for me. My side effect is something like the motor falling out of the bottom of me. I have my first grand baby and have a bite the bullet determination. i had complete blood check and everything was ok. i told the doc that i stopped smoking and he didnt discuss the symptoms of quitting. Anxiety can be a brutal life altering experience. I just sit and cry and cry. craziest dreams! This is how Ive felt Ive gone cold turkey now and Im on day 9 none smoking and day 6 without patches I feel awful I feel tired, cranky, chest tight body aches lots of spit (sorry) but it slowly getting better I think Im not sure how long it lasts for this ill feeling?? Many of these patients were normal, healthy people, Tsai says. Im 33 I started smoking at age 8 I was up to 2 and a half packs of pall mall full flavor cigarettes a day and now Im smoking a half a pack or less my appetite has doubled a day and Im getting really bad headaches is this normal? As your brain is looking for satisfaction, comfort or stress-relief that it was getting from vaping now its irritated after being deprived of it. Inflammation is the body's response to threats . You will sleep like a baby. I rededicated myself 3.5 days ago so Im past the worst of the physical withdrawal and I think Im going to be able to stay off them though the mourning is through the roof (like Ive lost a wife almost). It was a game changer for me! Quit Smoking weed, now have shortness of breath. Keep going. I also smoke 20 a day!!! No more shaking, blood pressure is dropping to normal levels (New BP medication though) I am still experiencing stomach issues and shortness of breath with exertion, mainly in the morning. Ive got serious depression episodes and anxiety and I felt like my brain was exploding! As I have read in several other comments, anxiety becomes more frequent with mood alterations etc. Hypertension runs rampant in my family my grandfather passed from a heart attack and my dad has borderline hypertension as well. Im 18. i quit vaping 4 days ago (mostly if not all disposables for about 3 years) and i am having slight chest pain/tightness that sort of moves on the right side of my chest (different spots on my chest). Theres still a lot to learn. quit vaping recently, the psychological pain was nothing like ive ever experienced before, lasted for a full 9 days before i caved and bought nicotine gum. But like any disease I have to put myself in a mindset that I will stay stopped. Good luck to everyone, I understand you guys, and Thank you for sharing, it helps. and our I didnt get any support from anybody! Over the next weeks, however, cravings begin to taper off. Its harder than hell but its easier than I ever imagined it could be. Practice the 5 D's: Delay Drink Water Do Something Else Deep Breathe Discuss With A Friend 25 mg. 32 tablets. Then I read the info above..It is a feeling you will have to deal with for the rest of your life. I personally agree with that and I think it is just that people reading it, who have not experienced both, have misinterpreted the statement. In August 2019, the CDC began tracking cases of severe lung problems in people who vape. Did you stick it out? Seeing an accuputurist who told me, you can NEVER have even one again because your addiction will get worse every time you try to quit. These thoughts and temptations can catch you off-guard because you lost focus on quitting as hard as you were in the first few weeks. I guess try to be as honest as you feel you can be. This weight gain may begin in the first week and slowly increase through weeks 2-4. After my first week of quitting, I had a problem and couldnt breathe. For chest pains, practice breathing deeply. Good luck to all! SICK. Your body is healing itself, it is uncomfortable, and it will get better. Seemed like a good idea but, now its the vape I was addicted to. I read all the above info and yes most makes SENCE. Smoking also inflames the lining of the airways, but when you quit, you no longer inhale all the toxic substances that irritate the airways, which allows them to begin healing. I felt dull, down and anxious, also had tightness in chest- Couldnt take long and deep breaths due to blocked airways till 6-7th day. These chemicals cause the cilia, or the natural filters in your lungs, to go dormant. Welcome to the world's largest e-cigarette website. My husband didnt want to leave me. I didnt feel like committing myself to a psyche ward. Just wondering from ex smokers how long it took for them to not have cravings anymore etc? Good luck in 2018 to all of yall quitting cigarettes too,Im 3 days in myself . Im still having headaches and insomnia but its getting better week by week. I am in a fog, I dont sleep. This reason occurred when I started to write, it just popped into my mind & gave me new sense of encouragement. I have smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for over 17 years. I quit cigs four years ago and replaced with a vape. Day 12 here. When the thought of smoking enters my mind, the craving is very intense. One study found e-cigarette users were inhaling the metals lead, nickel, chromium, and manganese in concentrations that either approached, met, or exceeded the limits defined as safe by the Environmental Protection Agency. Acid Reflux Diet And Tobacco: Does Smoking Cause Heartburn? While its true you obviously know nothing about addiction (no disrespect intended), we all need any army sergeant like you for a friend! After 15 years, your risk of developing coronary heart disease becomes the same as a nonsmokers. I vaped for 4.5 years. Its far too convenient! Im with steama you need to listen to your body. So vape didnt become a prob for me. I smoked for 20 years roughly around 20 sticks a day, quit cold turkey and had no side effects ,5 months in and dont get cravings, just get past the first 72 hours and youll be fine. Ideally I want to taper down as I feel the years upon years of smoking if I quit cold turkey will give me some horrific withdrawals. Take care people; you can do it! I cant give in and buy a pack if I dont have any money. My advise to anyone is. In the meantime, you can speed the process by staying well hydrated. All day today Ive been thinking of a cigarette. Also Wal-Mart has a bottle of sleep aides for $4.00 That is Equate sleep aide. the first week of going cold turkey. I have cravings 30 times a day. I have smoked for over 40 years, right now I am on the chantix and it is taking away the cravings, I have went thru the starter pack and at the moment have 3 days left on it, I then go to the regular chantix for another 30 days, once I am done with the starter pack then I am done with smoking I have set my last day of smoking and I will stick to it. But went to all of syntom it is very hard and always make a new year resolution promised always breaks. But make it a week and theres no reason you cant keep going. I quit recently, and discovered that ITS NOT AS BAD AS ID HEARD. The uptake of serotonin and dopamine acts as an appetite suppressant, and when nicotine levels lower, appetite increases. Knowing its all temporary and will pass keeps me going. Im Glad u posted this! Read Allen Carrs book and try to find the webinar on YouTube. Good luck everyone!! Week 2 anxiety tightness in the chest mucus and foggy in the head. What Helps With Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms? I was scared that I would gain it back if I quit smoking. That is nearly 7 months after smoking for 60 years (I am 74). Keep trying until you succeed. We recommend our users to update the browser. Hopefully the memories will fade but i feel like keeping a cig around is a symbol of my perserverance despite temptation since I havent lit it yet. Ive been feeling dizzy for a month or so and I have had allergies is this cause Ive quit vaping, Stay strong . I agree with your appraisal. I managed to quit by means of cold turkey before for about a year, but when a friend of mine passed away I started all over again. 35 years of smoking 3 packs/day of Kools. Felt very depressed, a lot of anxiety, and have now got trouble sleeping.
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