48.7k Followers, 87 Following, 826 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Governor-General of Australia (@gg_australia) gg_australia. The salutation for a letter should be "Your Excellency" or "Dear Governor-General". The Governor-General of Australia is a powerful person in the country. [6][12][13] These oaths are administered by the chief justice of Australia or another senior judge. Sir Isaac Isaacs and Sir Zelman Cowen were Jewish; Bill Hayden was an avowed atheist[69] during his term and he made an affirmation rather than swear an oath at the beginning of his commission; the remaining Governors-General have been at least nominally Christian. The governor-general is generally invited to become patron of various charitable and service organisations. He was previously the 38th governor of New South Wales, serving from 2014 to 2019. As the Balfour Declaration of 1926, later implemented as the Statute of Westminster 1931, put it: It is desirable formally to place on record a definition of the position held by the Governor-General as His Majesty's representative in the Dominions. The then leader of the Opposition, Robert Menzies, called McKell's appointment "shocking and humiliating". [citation needed] Events surrounding the dismissal remain extremely controversial. YARRALUMLA ACT 2600, Tel: (02) 6283 3533E-mail the Governor-General or Government House. [5] The monarch then permits the recommendation to be publicly announced, usually several months before the end of the existing governor-general's term. [3][4] The governor-general is appointed by the monarch on the recommendation of government ministers. And it is exercisable by the Queen's representative, not her delegate or agent. The first female governor-general, Quentin Bryce, took office in 2008. These provisions make it clear that the Monarch's role in the parliament is in name only and the actual responsibility belongs to the governor-general. A vacancy occurs on the resignation, death, or incapacity of the governor-general. The King and Queen Consort will first head to France on March 16, where they will undertake engagements in Paris and Bordeaux. "And I know that when I met with King Charles, we had a discussion about a visit, and I of course conveyed that he would always be welcomed here.". After elections, or when a government loses or wins a majority in the Australian House of Representatives , the Governor General is the person who legally decides that the prime minister has the numbers to lead a government. The Governor-General has some of the responsibility for ensuring that Australia is governed according to the rules set out in the Constitution. [10] The coronation will take place at Westminster Abbey in London on May 6, led by the Archbishop of Canterbury and featuring "longstanding traditions and pageantry". The first female Governor-General was the Honourable . Quentin Bryce's appointment was announced during her term as Governor of Queensland; she had previously been the Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner. [9] Governors-General since 1901 are listed in Appendix 1. [11] When a new governor-general is to be appointed, the current prime minister recommends a name to the monarch, who by convention accepts that recommendation. Traditionally, the ceremony takes place in the Senate chamber. In practice, early Governors-General were appointed by the United Kingdom's Colonial Secretary. In recent years best bet is to be a three or four star general. 2014-2019. Scullin's proposed appointment of Sir Isaac Isaacs was fiercely opposed by the British government. A similar arrangement is used for the governors of the six states. The chief scout is nominated by the Scouting Association's National Executive Committee and is invited by the president of the Scout Association to accept the appointment. In Commentaries on the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia, Garran noted that, since the Australian executive is national in nature (being dependent on the nationally elected House of Representatives, rather than the Senate), "the Governor-General, as the official head of the Executive, does not in the smallest degree represent any federal element; if he represents anything he is the image and embodiment of national unity and the outward and visible representation of the Imperial relationship of the Commonwealth".[34]. Follow. The constitution also provides that the salary of the governor-general cannot be "altered" during his or her term of office. Theyre the first to show up and the last to leave. Powers exercised in council, which are not reserve powers, include: All such actions are taken on the advice of ministers. The functions of the governor-general include appointing ministers, judges, and ambassadors; giving royal assent to legislation passed by parliament; issuing writs for election; and bestowing Australian honours.[6]. He stated that the governor-general was more than a representative of the sovereign, explaining: "under section 2 of the Constitution the Governor-General is the Queen's representative and exercises certain royal prerogative powers and functions; under section 61 of the Constitution the Governor-General is the holder of a quite separate and independent office created, not by the Crown, but by the Constitution, and empowered to exercise, in his own right as Governor-General all the powers and functions of Australia's head of state."[21]. [16] By convention, the longest-serving state governor holds a dormant commission, allowing an assumption of office to commence whenever a vacancy occurs. On Thursday 2 March 2023, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) p. resided at a meeting of the Federal Executive Council. Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, was a senior member of the royal family. Some, however, have been notable in their own right, such as Dame Alexandra Hasluck, Lady Casey and Michael Bryce. By convention, the prime minister is appointed to this council and advises as to which parliamentarians shall become ministers and parliamentary secretaries. Write to the Governor-General or Government House at: Government House Appointment The Governor-General is appointed by the Crown, in practice on the advice of Australian Ministers of the Crown. Commonwealth of Australia | Page last reviewed 15 Sept 2022, Welcome to the Parliamentary Education Office. The Australian Constitution And The Use Of Convention Essay. Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson had been offered the governorship of South Australia in 1895 and of Victoria in 1910, but refused both appointments. Dunrossil Drive Form letters or emails generated as part of a broader campaign will not be responded to. By convention, the governor-general and any family occupy an official residence in Canberra, Government House (commonly referred to as Yarralumla). The first governor-general, Lord Hopetoun, asked to be recalled to Britain in 1903 over a dispute about funding for the post. All times AEDT (GMT +11). By convention, this may only be upon advice from the prime minister, who retains responsibility for selecting an immediate replacement or letting the vacancy provisions take effect. They are appointed on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, usually for a term of 5 years. Theyre almost always humble to a fault but I urge recipients, for today, to put aside that humility - its important they know how much they are valued.. "It will also provide an opportunity to look forwards and demonstrate the many ways the UK is working in partnership with France and Germany. "[22] The changes occurred in 1984 when Queen Victoria's letters patent and instructions were revoked and replaced with new letters patent,[23] on Prime Minister Bob Hawke's advice, who stated that this would clarify the governor-general's position under the constitution.[24][25]. Despite these precedents, George V remained reluctant to accept Scullin's recommendation of Isaacs and asked him to consider Field Marshal Sir William Birdwood. The governor-general also has a ceremonial role: hosting events at either of the two official residencesGovernment House in the capital, Canberra, and Admiralty House in Sydneyand travelling throughout Australia to open conferences, attend services and commemorations, and generally provide encouragement to individuals and groups who are contributing to their communities. General David John Hurley, AC, DSC, KStJ, FTSE (born 26 August 1953) is an Australian former senior officer in the Australian Army who has served as the 27th governor-general of Australia since 1 July 2019. When the late Queen Elizabeth II was in Australia, the Queen's Personal Australian Flag was flown on the car in which she was travelling. Section 1 of the Australian Constitution says that the Parliament is made up of the King, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Such assent has usually been given during a scheduled visit to Australia by Queen Elizabeth II. Lord Dunrossil (as William Morrison) was Speaker of the UK House of Commons. Slim was to see no change of prime minister over his term of nearly seven years. Become an expert in teaching about the Australian Parliament with our curriculum-aligned education. Individual items of correspondence of this type will not be brought to the attention of the Governor-General and senders should not expect a reply. The constitutional crisis of 1975 raised the possibility of the prime minister and the governor-general attempting to dismiss each other at the same time. New details have emerged about the role Australia will play at the coronation of King Charles III, as the government responds to questions about a visit to Australia by the monarch. The governor-general has a ceremonial role in swearing in and accepting the resignations of members of Parliament. A number of governors-general have reserved royal assent for particular legislation for the Monarch. On the day parliament opens, the governor-general makes a speech, entirely written by the government, explaining the government's proposed legislative program. The Parliamentary Education Office (PEO) educates Australians about, and inspires their enthusiasm for, Australias parliamentary democracy. The most important power is found in section 58: "When a proposed law passed by both Houses of Parliament is presented to the Governor-General for the Queen's assent, he shall declare that he assents in the Queen's name." The governor-general of Australia is the head of the executive branch of the federal government, serving as the representative of the Australian monarch (currently Charles III ). In the face of this provision, I feel it is difficult to contend that the Queen, even though present in Australia, may exercise in person functions of executive government which are specifically assigned by the constitution to the Governor-General. Australia's Governor-General David Hurley has contracted COVID-19 and is experiencing mild symptoms, a spokesperson says. Each year the Governor-General hosts or attends hundreds ofevents around the country and meet tens of thousands of Australians. [64] (Lord Stamfordham had complained that Scullin had "put a gun to the King's head".). I have seen this at work in the people and organisations assisting our veterans, our rural communities that are under stress, asylum seekers who we have accepted into our country and our aboriginal brothers and sisters. Congratulations to the outstanding Australians recognised in todays Honours List. Governor-general's role. It is generally held that the governor-general may use powers without ministerial advice in the following situations: The use of the reserve powers may arise in the following circumstances: The above is not an exhaustive list, and new situations may arise. The Governor-General does not have the authority to make decisions on behalf of the government but has a role in both the government and the Parliament. To provide continuity through general elections both federally and in New South Wales, Hurley succeeded General Sir Peter Cosgrove, who had planned to retire in March 2019, on 1 July 2019.[1][2]. However, Scullin stood firm, saying he would be prepared to fight a general election on the issue of whether an Australian should be prevented from becoming governor-general because he was Australian. The Governor-General of Australia is His Majesty The King's representative . Menzies's fourth nomination was Richard Casey, who took office in 1965; he and all subsequent governors-general have been Australian citizens. There are countless organisations and people demonstrating how rich this country is each day. I've been invited to his coronation, on the first Saturday in May, I will attend along with the Governor-General, with other guests as well who have been invited by the Palace," he said. The position came into being with the adoption of the new national constitution on 1 January 1901, and has been held by 27 people since then. It is encouraging to see an increase in diversity in the Order of Australia. In the United Kingdom, the reserve powers of the monarch (which are typically referred to as the "royal prerogative")[29] are not explicitly stated in constitutional enactments, and are the province of convention and common law. It is played at all official and ceremonial . [48] Under the Governor-General Act 1974, each new commission has resulted in a pay increase. Governor-General. [40] No formal declarations of war have been made since World War II, although in 1973 the Whitlam Government advised the governor-general to proclaim the end of Australia's involvement in Vietnam, despite the lack of an initiating proclamation. The monarch, acting upon advice of the British Government, could also disallow any Australian legislation up to a year after the governor-general had given it the assent;[58] although this power has never been used. Formerly, all governors-general automatically became a knight upon being sworn in.[55]. Australia's national anthem is Advance Australia Fair. [50] Until 2001, Governors-General did not pay income tax on their salary; this was changed after Elizabeth II agreed to pay tax.[49]. received Ms Minoli Perera, Ambassador- designate to Zimbabwe. The Governor General is the Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force. The Order belongs to each of us and we each have a part to play. Ms Adamson, 60, was also Australia's ambassador to China from 2011 . View with description and copyright information. And the first female governor-general was Quentin Bryce, who took up the position in 2008. All the governors-general until 1965 were British-born, except for Australian-born Sir Isaac Isaacs (19311936) and Sir William McKell (19471953). Please note that all correspondence isprocessed by the Office before coming to the attention of the Governor-General. The most notable use of the reserve powers occurred in November 1975, in the course of the 1975 Australian constitutional crisis. The letters released on Tuesday revealed that Kerr, who as Governor-General was the Queen's official representative in Australia, held extensive discussions with the palace over what powers he held. Scullin was equally insistent that the monarch must act on the relevant prime minister's direct advice (the practice until 1926 was that Dominion prime ministers advised the monarch indirectly, through the British government, which effectively had a veto over any proposal it did not agree with). Sir Charles FitzRoy (Governor of New South Wales from 18461855) and Sir William Denison (Governor of New South Wales from 18551861) also carried the additional title of Governor-General because their jurisdiction extended to other colonies in Australia.[56]. 1,093 talking about this. Such decisions are usually taken on the advice of the prime minister, although that is not stated in the constitution. (However, it became very clear in a conversation between Scullin and King George V's private secretary, Lord Stamfordham, on 11 November 1930, that this was merely the official reason for the objection, with the real reason being that an Australian, no matter how highly regarded personally, was not considered appropriate to be a governor-general.) Macquarie joined the British army as a boy and served in North America . Scullin recommended the Australian jurist Sir Isaac Isaacs, and he insisted that George V act on the advice of his Australian prime minister in this matter. SA Premier Steven Marshall said the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade secretary would replace current Governor Hieu Van Le. Hopetoun left for England on 17 July 1902. Mr Albanese added he was looking forward to welcoming King Charles to Australia to mark his first trip Down Under as monarch. Statement by the Prime Minister to the House of Representatives, Parliamentary Debates, Vol. Section 4 of the constitution allows the Monarch to appoint an administrator to carry out the role of governor-general when there is a vacancy. "[21], The 1988 Constitutional Commission report explained: "the governor-general is in no sense a delegate of the Queen. The governor-general of Australia is the head of the executive branch of the federal government, serving as the representative of the Australian monarch (currently Charles III). Two other men sit on the other side of the desk. Section 61 of the Constitution goes on to say that executive power is given to the King and is exercised by the Governor-General. [46] Bill Hayden declined the office on the grounds of his atheism, which was incompatible with the Scout Promise. That role can become controversial, however, if the governor-general becomes unpopular with sections of the community. [26] This view was also held by Senior Judge of the Supreme Court of Tasmania Andrew Inglis Clark, who, with W. Harrison Moore (a contributor to the first draft of the constitution put before the 1897 Adelaide Convention and professor of law at the University of Melbourne), postulated that the letters patent and the royal instructions issued by Queen Victoria were unnecessary "or even of doubtful legality". Australia will be represented at the coronation of King Charles III by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Governor-General David Hurley, it has been confirmed. The executive power of the Commonwealth, by section 61 of the Constitution, is declared to be vested in the Queen. The governor-general is supported by a staff (of 80 in 2018[7]) headed by the official secretary to the governor-general of Australia. 1935 saw the appointment of the first British high commissioner to Australia, Geoffrey Whiskard (in office 19361941). The Governor-General is leader of the Executive Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Forces . visiting places hit by national disaster, such as floods or fire. The Governor-General has specific constitutional and statutory powers. To mollify Hughes, Milner offered him a choice between three candidates. Australia has had 26 Governors-General. "It was a great honour for me to have an audience with King Charles. Since May 2013, the style used by a former governor-general is the Honourable; it was at the same time retrospectively granted for life to all previous holders of the office.[54]. Permission should be sought from Office of the Governor-General for third-party or commercial uses of this image. . [47] He did however serve as the association's patron during his term of office. [30] In Australia, however, the powers are explicitly given to the governor-general in the constitution; it is their use that is the subject of convention.[31]. However, it remained unclear just whose prerogative it now became to decide who new governors-general would be. The only way a person can be recognised is for someone to nominate them., 6 appointments as Companions of the Order, 177 appointments as Members of the Order (surname, 506 people were awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (surname (, The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, The Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General. Hollingworth resigned on 28 May 2003. acting as Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force. ", To join the conversation, please On other occasions royal assent has been given elsewhere. These powers remain in section 59 of the Constitution of Australia, but today are regarded as dead letters. Governors-general have during their tenure the style His/Her Excellency the Honourable and their spouses have the style His/Her Excellency. "[21], As early as 1901, the authoritative commentary by Quick and Garran had noted that the governor-general of Australia was distinguished from other Empire governors-general by the fact that "[t]he principal and most important of his powers and functions, legislative as well as executive, are expressly conferred on him by the terms of the Constitution itself not by Royal authority, but by statutory authority". After the initial confusion of the Hopetoun Blunder, he appointed the first prime minister of Australia, Edmund Barton, to a caretaker government, with the inaugural 1901 federal election not occurring until March. In 1976, the letters patent for the order were amended to introduce the rank of Knight and Dame to the order, and from that time the governor-general became, ex officio, the Chancellor and Principal Knight of the order. Some early governors-general were appointed to terms of just one year (Lord Tennyson) or two years (Lord Forster; later extended). Leading Australias response, celebration and acknowledgement at commemorative events. At the same time as the appointment of Isaacs as the first Australian-born governor-general, a separate role of British Representative in Australia (as the representative of the British government) was established, with Ernest Crutchley the first appointee. Lord Northcote was Governor of Bombay. [66], In 1965 the Menzies conservative government appointed an Australian, Lord Casey, and thereafter only Australians have held the position. The Governor-General, wearing a suit and medals on the left side of his chest, talks to people in a crowd. Dame Quentin Alice Louise Bryce AD, CVO (ne Strachan; born 23 December 1942) was the 25th Governor-General of Australia, from September 2008 to March 2014. 48.7K followers. The current Governor-General is David Hurley . The office of "governor-general" was previously used in Australia in the mid-19th century. The reserve powers are, according to the Constitution of Australia: Those powers are generally and routinely exercised on ministerial advice, but the governor-general retains the ability to act independently in certain circumstances, as governed by convention. The independence of the office is highlighted by changes which have been made in recent years to the Royal Instruments relating to it. When travelling abroad, the governor-general is seen as the representative of Australia and its monarch. Menzies had sought a man of stature, one who had no involvement in Australian politics, and one who would represent the monarch effectively. The Biosecurity Act 2015 specifies that the governor-general may declare such an emergency exists if the health minister (Greg Hunt at the time) is satisfied that "a listed human disease is posing a severe and immediate threat, or is causing harm, to human health on a nationally significant scale". However, that custom fell into disuse during the tenure of Sir Paul Hasluck. Videos are posted by the Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General. At the end of this initial term, a commission may be extended for a short time, usually to avoid conflict with an election or during political difficulties.[6]. Sir Isaac Isaacs was successively Commonwealth Attorney-General, a High Court judge, and Chief Justice. The Governor-General is appointed by the King on the advice of the Prime Minister and performs a large number of functions which are defined by the Constitution. Mr Albanese told reporters on Saturday how he has accepted an invitation to attend the crowning of the monarch in the United Kingdom alongside Mr Hurley. Now, the King of Australia is generally bound by constitutional convention to accept the advice of the Australian prime minister and state premiers about Australian and state constitutional matters, respectively. General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK CVO MC (Retd) Sydney NSW. Write to the Governor-General or Government House at: Government House Dunrossil Drive YARRALUMLA ACT 2600 Tel: (02) 6283 3533 E-mail the Governor-General or Government House Register, Join the conversation, you are commenting as Logout, Join the conversation, you are commenting as. [61] The memorandum met with strong opposition within the Colonial Office and was dismissed by Lord Milner, the Colonial Secretary; no response was given. The Australia Day 2023 Honours List recognises and celebrates 1,047 recipients, including 736 in the General Division of the Order of Australia and awards for meritorious, distinguished and conspicuous service. In 1986 the letters patent were amended again, and governors-general appointed from that time were again, ex officio, entitled to the post-nominal AC (although if they already held a knighthood in the order that superior rank was retained). Please read ourPrivacy Statement. It is also, in the same section, declared to be "exercisable" by the Governor-General as the Queen's representative. Examples of this have been the Flags Act (1953), the Royal Styles and Titles Acts (1953 and 1973), and the Australia Act (1986). The Australian Government was merely asked, as a matter of courtesy, whether they approved of the choice or not. Governor-General Read the Australia Day 2023 Honours list Attend the first ever 'Open Evening' at Government House on Friday 17 March from 3:00-7:00pm Subscribe to the new Order of Australia newsletter - Above and beyond - to learn about the amazing people recognised through the Order.
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