Also called the Flame of Transmutation, the Flame of Mercy, the Flame of Freedom,and the Flame of Forgiveness,the violet flame is a sacred fire that transforms and purifies negative karma or blockages. Paula. He too said that Kriya Yoga and violet flame are miraculous methods for realizing the Higher Self. See yourself surrounded by a violet-flame pillar about six feet in diameter and about nine feet high. You will not be milked of your light and your energy. The violet flame EXPLAINED | Episode 1 - YouTube Why, with the violet flame in hand and heart as floral offering and as alchemist's kit, you never know what is just beyond the next turn in the road or the next wind in the mountain! Let me know if you would like to talk or email each other. . What is the Second Chakra and How Can It Help Me? Then my head started to feel funny, like I had a hat on.but I didnt. Hi Rita Be-Still and know that I am God within me! When I started the Challenge I asked my pendulum from scale of 1 to 10 where was my violet flame in being balance with 10 being the highest it was at 5 and the weakest plume being the blue power one. Have any thoughts to share? document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I really like the visual meditation. Be Empowered. It is the elixir of the age. I have entered into the 30 Day Violet Flame Challenge and I am feeling very happy to do so, all my life i have felt there was more meaning to life, now I feel i have found it. The man I saw was blonde, with curly hair and medium built, he was wearing leather sandals. The most dangerous flame would be the most toxic. Access the Free Lessons of Your Choice Now You can give violet-flame decrees anywhere, anytimein your car, while doing chores or before going to bed. Around this violet-flame pillar, you can see your tube of light, an even bigger pillar of white light that protects and seals the violet flame. For instance, the aura of someone who is in a state of contemplation, study or meditation might have the presence of a yellow light, a violet light and even a blue lightthe blue indicating faith in God. This interaction sets up an oscillation, a vibration that dislodges the density. Or you may just have the impression that you were in a particular time or place. Thank you so much!! Since we qualify the energy that Universe gives us with every heartbeat, most likely some of it is not qualified in the best way. The base-of-the-spine chakra, the Mother center, gives forth the pure white light when its energies are held in the purity of Alpha and OmegaAlpha and Omega being symbolical of the divine polarity of the masculine and feminine energies that are concentrated in each chakra. Using the name of God in such a way creates an interactive relationship with Spirit you become a co-creator through the power of decrees. Yes there will be body symptoms with energy and spiritual work as the density we have created with our thoughts and emotions are creating the density. Be a Violet Flame Transmission Station. There is great power in giving a decree slowly. I have very little fear in fact I live and move and have my being in my Beloved I AM and Sweet Holy Om Spirit Presence all day long. I almost feel it overwhelmed me. Give your tube of light decree each morning and repeat it as necessary throughout the day. I was doing the decrees inside me throughout this event. I came to the conclusion it might be TMJ as it can have a host of symptoms. Free shipping for many products! Then let go of the memory and let a bright white sun replace it in your mind's eye. Be Empowered. Dear Friend, Last year I did Christie Sheldons Intuition Course and learned how to use the pendulum answering questions and also clearing and transmuting my subconscious bank of false beliefs. Saint Germain described the violet flame in the books Unveiled Mysteries, The Magic Presence, and the I AM Discourses. He was a French philosopher, inventor, courtier, pianist, violinist, and poet. It took almost a year of misinformation , wrong tests, to find out I had nerve blockages in my cervical. In it we lovingly ask the violet-flame beingsascended masters and angelsfor help and guidance. I am telling people about this as my pendulum does tell me that this violet flame is higher tool from God than even the Kriya Yoga technique I do. I went and it has helped. It corresponds to the high frequency of violet light and those who have open spiritual sight have seen it as a beautiful violet aura or flame. This will gently open your heart center. Remind yourself to always have that violet flame available for someone in need. Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. I invite the Light of the Holy Spirit to enter deep into every cell of my body and to expose the darkness, the density, the disease. The Violet Flame is the spiritual flame of the Holy Spirit that can be used for the transmutation of lower vibratory patterns. I saw a being fly into or through or by my third eye while interiorized and I asked my pendulum if it was St. Germain and got a yes! What a wonderful letter, thank you. Violet Flame - What Is It and How Does It Work? - The Summit Lighthouse The truth is, every spiritual seeker is a powerhouse of spiritual energy and counts for more in the world equation than most realize. Violet Flame Meditation for Spiritual Transformation. The Violet Flame is a Gift on this planet from Ascended Master Saint Germaine. At this very moment, I am holding Gaia in . They tumble and bounce and then disappear in a puff of white smoke. I was enjoying my morning decrees. The Violet Flame - Discover its Power with Help from Angels So for over a year I had this tightness in my ribcage. With every beat of our hearts, energy is flowing to us from our Higher Source. I am feeling extremely weak. Spiritual seekers are familiar with meditation, visualization and affirmation. St Germain Violet Flame | Visualize The Violet Flame Meditation - SGF Allow for the Freedom to come to the elemental kingdom. The visualization, affirmation, and meditation on the violet flame consumes this negative energy transmutes it to positive energy. Yes you may be quite vocal but are you vocal in the divine right way??? As you breath deeper, notice how these flames burn brighter and brighter with each breath, turning into a blazing white sun. The negative energy within us emanates from our emotional and psychological problems, producing excessive amounts of acid in our bodies. Something felt wrong about it. Watch as this small spark gently grows and spreads over the white flames, slowly transforming the white light into a dazzling sun of violet flames. I did not know that. Not only does it help with transmuting blocks into light, but it also acts as a source of strength, protection, and power. Some use chakra candles as well to feel calmer during meditation. My intuition gets richer. I thought Kriya Yoga was pretty high energy but my pendulum is saying the Violet Flame is higher because its not just a technique its the Heart Flames out of Creation out of God I AM That I AM. Since you have fear when you started to notice the tightening in your neck you have to do a lot of work on fear and your beliefs about that and fear is an indication you need work on your Heart Chakra as fear is the opposite of love! This happens on a group level too, in communities, countries and the world. The negative karma is like Pandora's box. As you practice directing the violet flame to help others, you can begin to think of your aura as a violet-flame fountain where all whom you meet can come and drink. Using the Holy Fire Violet Flame to Cleanse Yourself As described in Exodus 3:2 KJV in the story of Moses and the burning bush: And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed., This fire does not burn, its no ordinary fire, it is a spiritual fire of self-transformation that some people refer to as the the violet flame.. I loved all the comments above. Deep Cleansing with the Violet Flame - Reiki Rays The Violet Flame: A Game Changer! We can affirm that heavenly kingdom through our work with the violet flame. The person who was talking to me I dont remember exactly what I felt about that person. A violet flame decree has the power to harness and focus spiritual energies. On your altar you can put candles, crystals, flowers and photographs of saints, Ascended Masters and your loved ones. Our mental, emotional, and spiritual states significantly affect our health. In a sudden emergency, such as a fire or a calamity within the household, the quietness of the aura would be disturbed. Thank you for a wonderful website. I am looking forward to see the power of the violet flame over the next coming months and years not just in me but my familty and world. I AM the purity God desires!. Every cell has its original Divine Blueprint of Perfection. The violet flame does not simply surround and remove debris; it transforms it into pure light energy. Visualize a tube of Light over you and the blue of Gods will and protection around you and your family. Make sure to sit in a comfortable chair, with an upright head, a straight back, and with your feet flat on the floor. You can make a specific request for the transmutation of whatever mental, emotional or physical problems you are working on in your life. I too live in Ontario Hamilton. Is that all he did just stared at you and smiled? Violet is a combination of blue and red and helps promote spiritual growth, universal love,imagination, creativity and the integration of ideas. Speaking the Decrees is also about Truth of your I AM Presence. The Violet flame is the powerful symbol of the spiritual fire of self-transformation. If the intention you set in step one is not a personal one, but a social or global one, bring the image of the external problem into your violet flame. Listen to your Souls calling. Enter into the 30 Day Violet Flame Challenge! I was standing in a small room with a small window. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! 15-minutes a day is all it takes. The violet flame is coming in perfect timing for me as I have been enjoying Gods Bliss daily and pretty much all day long for some time and waiting for the next level and that is the Violet Flame and my Service Work. Coalossal Pokdex: stats, moves, evolution & locations This Little-Known Violet Flame Meditation Can Transform Your Life Beautiful souls of love, peace, charity, wisdom and compassion. It comes as blessings, it comes as lessons for us to learn to do better, and as opportunity to make things right. Saint Germain, Master of the Violet Flame and Spiritual Alchemist Violet Flame Meditation - Instant Energy Shift! - Ask-Angels It sets us free from all the hatred of our past scars and painful memories. The increase in speed should not be artificial. This post may contain affiliate links. Repeat your mantra as many times as you feel is necessary for your mind to find stillness and serenity. In the center of this blazing white sun, visualize a small violet spark. For instance, Kuthumi says, As the intensity of the white and the violet light is increased in the aura, especially those shades which are pale and ethereal, one notes the enlarging of man's perceptions and an increase in spirituality.. We can make this contact through meditation upon the Buddha or the Christ, both of whom have given us the key to unlocking the crown chakra, which is the yellow center. Our names are Aletheia Luna & Mateo Sol and were spiritual educators and guides currently living in Perth, Western Australia. The violet flame is a symbolic name that is given to the transformative abilities of spiritual energy. When you use violet flame decrees, you are commanding the flow of energy from spirit to matter. The highly flammable phosphorus-based compounds have been found in human and animal faeces, but in tiny quantities. Such stress would produce a muddying of the violet light of the aura as well as explosions, perhaps, of great energies of fear recorded as brown, black and gray substance. It can take as little as six months of concentrated violet-flame decrees to balance the karma of one past life. The Violet Flame: A Game Changer! Did you feel positive energy from this person in the dream? Claudette, The purpose of the purifying is to make your life more comfortable for a higher kingdom to live in you and become more physical. The reason is that our planet, society and culture are not perfectly pure. By transforming negative thoughts and feelings,. . It is hard to keep the meditation going. If everything is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies, then each color carries its own wavelength and specific properties. Sometimes it will be energy, feeling of peace or love entering us, or sound, or wisdom or inspiration, etc. "If we will visualize ourselves standing in this sphere of violet light and feel that violet flame passing through all of our consciousnessour mind, our feelings, our emotionsthis . The violet flame is an invisible spiritual energy. with no assistance. That means, it has the greatest ability to change matter at the atomic level.. Ever wondered why hospitals are often painted in blue tones? Saint Germain and the Violet Flame - Temple Of The Presence And he wanted me to resist. Our vibration is raised and propels us into a more spiritual state of being. If parents said money does not grow on trees we take that in as children and that operates inside us as a belief that directs our adult life till we clear that energy. Our connection to them is through our I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self. Was he wearing modern day clothing? Then there is the pink fire of divine love that comes forth through the heart chakra. The positive energy of the violet fire helps you recover from the ill effects of negativity. He appeared to Guy Ballard, known as the author Godfre Ray King, in the 1930s and gave the initial teaching of how to accelerate your spiritual path with the violet transmuting flame and I AM affirmations. Great question. The electric blue color that flashes in the aura of Archangel Michael and the devotees of the will of God denotes the presence of purity and power and the alignment of the inner blueprint with the cosmic blueprint of the will of God. Realizing that her bloodbending would die along with her without a worthy successor, Hama decided to a have child with one of the villagers. The Summit Lighthouse and Pearls of Wisdom are trademarks registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. the gift of spiritual alchemy from Saint Germain. We have all made mistakes in the past or we wouldn't be here today. I thought I have time to learn to meditate and do VF decrees. It casts out all our doubts and fears and helps us feel and think more positively. Youll know that your violet flame meditation has been successful when you feel a sense of inner peace and spaciousness inside of you. My I AM Presence is moving my pendulum as someone said she saw white light go into my Crown when I asked a question. For centuries, alchemists have sought to change lead metals into gold. I am interested in what you are doing with the violet flame in Canada? I am still facing heavy health issues. All those fear based thoughts that you had are coming from your subconscious and beliefs about life that you have stored. Others get spectacular results the first time they open their mouths. What happened may have taken longer to come to the surface for you to deal with if you had not done the VF decrees and connect to your I AM God Presence! Once you have memorized some of the violet-flame decrees, you can close your eyes and try this visualization. When we dwell on negative thoughts, anger, hatred, disappointments, and painful experiences, we make ourselves vulnerable to illness. It is a sacred fire with transformative spiritual energy that can help us move through many obstacles and challenges. It cleansed and centered my spiritual energy (: Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "afc02ac9727f082dcfe53fe949a28030" );document.getElementById("fa5933c6d6").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Our mission is to share the Teachings of the Ascended Masters on the Violet Flame to create positive changes in the lives of people, in their communities and the planet. But you will get the greatest benefit from the violet flame if you set aside at least fifteen minutes a day to decree without interruption. Asked me to raise both arms, and he was going to press down on free arm with me clenching teeth and with Jaw open. I was doing decrees all of them and visualization of balancing my chakras. It's important not to feel burdened by the negative record of a past life. and To intimidate its opponents, Coalossal . Please email back, You should continue your writing. These books are Unveiled Mysteries and the Magic Presence by Godfre Ray King ( Guy Ballard) These concepts are truly revolutionary. The aura changes moment by moment. I will try some throat Chakra meditations and also see if they help. You can work on relationships with your friends and loved ones. Transmute Negative Thoughts with the Violet Flame - YouTube The violet flame is the seventh-ray of the fire of God, and. It took almost a year of misinformation , wrong tests, to find out I had nerve blockages in my cervical. I stand up to you for I know what you are; you are a world of sub-human creations, a world of duality. In fact, simply repeating a violet-flame mantra anytime you feel tense, tired or irritated can make the difference. One thing you might want to look at is the throat chakra since you had issues with the area which may be issues with communication, trust, and speaking your Truth. I have been doing Ascended Master Yoganandas Kriya Yoga for 19 years and already one with Divine Mother in the sense of feeling Her or the delicious I am presence every day and that I live for. A Chohan or the Lord of Ray, is an ascended master in charge of one of the seven spiritual rays. Poor lighting, dust, untidiness and stale air impede the flow of spiritual energy. The Violet Consuming Flame GOD'S PURIFYING FLAME OF DIVINE LOVE By Its use, any human being can Free himself or herself from his or her own human discord and imperfection of the past and present. This new song is one of a new vibration and spiritual energy the world has not seen for a long time. 100+ Journaling Ideas For Deep Mental & Spiritual Healing, Deep Listening For Suffering Souls (3 Paths), 21 Profoundly Healing Meditation Practices (With Videos). lol, Thank you. If you try any of the Save the World with Violet Flame! I would also ask in the dream are you from the Light? Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Is the Violet Flame Dangerous? Dizziness, thought it was an awakening. He put a jar of silver in one hand. It starts out chugchug and pretty soon it's going chug-a-chug-a and then chug-chug-chug-chug! The faster it goes, the greater the action. For our ancestors, fire must have seemed magical: it brought us together, encouraged us to share stories, reflect, and enter deep meditative silence. To begin Violet Flame Meditation you can start with something simple like, "I AM a Violet Flame of love and forgiveness.". Bathe the earth in violet fire. Thank you for response. What colour flame is the most dangerous? - Quora My Guru Yogananda said that if we have dreams that makes us feel negative emotions then it is not coming from the Divine as the Divine would only come in the energy of Love! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Natural Violet Flame Opal, Mexico 925 Sterling Silver Earring Jewelry BE129656 at the best online prices at eBay! Saint Germain was an ascended master, a legendary Theosophical spiritual leader, and the Chohan of the violet flame. This is only one Tree and its the Tree of Life which is Perfection based on Polarity of Light and Love! The Violet Flame Is the Flame of Forgiveness and Mercy. Now that I am reading and learning more about energy works this experience came back to my mind and this is the reason I am sharing it with you all. This is because blue is associated with calmness, which is very useful in a hectic environment! Prices pulled from the Amazon Product Advertising API on: Who Is Saint Germain of the Violet Flame? Do you think it was St. Germain or an Ascended Master? Violet Flame thou Love Divine, Blaze within this heart of mine, Thou Art Mercy for every true, Keep me always in tune with you in love with you!!!
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