I have a bunch of asteroids in Libra, though more on the 22-27 space, including Sappho, Kassandra, DNA, Apollo, Adonis and who knows what else. and exactly opposite my Sun-Moon-midpoint, also widely conjunct Saturn (4); Conjunctions and oppositions in synastry: 1)His Adonis, Anteros, Pluto fall into my 10th house: his Adonis conjuncts my Adonishis Adonis conjuncts my Sappho, his Anteros conjuncts my Sapphohis Anteros opposite my Chiron, his Pluto conjuncts my Sapphohis pluto opposite my Chiron. And much more! Hi Amowls - lovely aspects you have there. aphrodite in 10th house. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 . It would be a good idea for a person to sit back and reflect on how their job makes them feel. Moon in 10th House - The Astrology Place As Ketu isolates/separates a person from the things related . The twelve astrological houses are the stage on which your life unfolds. Find Your Future Spouse - astroisha Is there a planet that matters in this sphere of life? scorpios know how to be secretive, source information, remain in the dark and disguising themselves as your shadow as they observe. About 4 degrees away from having a Grand trine of Aphro, Venus, ASC. You know what makes you original, and you can enthusiastically embrace your wild child. Poets. These natives are very attractive. their detachment makes them look more attractive Aphrodite(Virgo in 3rd house) trine venus, sextile eros and psyche, quincunx uranus and lilith, etc. There is something one cannot resist about them. ------------------I'm sooo happy! lol. and exactly opposite my Sun-Moon-midpoint, also widely conjunct Saturn (4); Understanding how the signs and planets operate in each of your twelve astrological houses will lead to more clarity on who you are and what you are here to do, illuminating the path of self-discovery and self-fulfilment. Or re-visiting your philosophy of life? Her attributes included a dove, apple, scallop shell and mirror. Valentine: 17,5 Pisces in my tropical 3rd houseIN A GIGANTIC TENT, VILLAGERS WITNESS A SPECTACULAR PERFORMANCE. Aphrodite - World History Encyclopedia The moon in the 10th house will focus on a person's feelings about their job. Love of life is expressed by creating scenes where the senses are tantalized, teased and satisfied. This native may try very hard to attract men, but really does not like men(understatement of the century. Earth Mercuries - tend to restrain themselves from doing something stupid so that they are perceived all too well. Some of these people cant handle working a full time job. If an auspicious planet occupies this house . Of course, it's you as a big fish in a small pond, too, like a prominent member of your small town. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Of course not. you could be attracted to confidence, the way a person carries themselves. Either Medusa is overcome by Neptune and gives in to temptation, or she's raped by Neptune. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. asc) The Tenth House | ZodiacSign.com - Astrology Zodiac Signs some of your attractive traits & qualities. Apollo, Union, Adonis (and Sappho widely) are conjunct in Libra in 10th house;the stellium sextiles my Sun and MErcury and trines my Psyche and Lilith. others may like the way you take initiative, your ambition, your honesty. I think Aphrodite asteroid has a lot to do with your fashion style. The Tenth House in Astrology - Astrology Houses - askAstrology The dynamics found here show how you fulfill, over time, your destiny to . 50 thoughts on " Asteroid Aura(1488) and Your Vibe " Luke August 14, 2014 at 10:21 pm. @elysiansparadise had mentioned that people with sun square moon may have parents who have a strained relationship with each other or they may be very incompatible. Jupiter brings abundance, good cheer and optimism that can help an Your email address will not be published. #3 with that being said having harsh aspects to your rising doesnt make you unattractive. Singers & Orators. Imo, Taurus is the friendliest sign among the earth signs. No, no, no, no and no.. it's not just a planet of Love / Lust. & if youre not a libra rising, you can also apply this logic if you dont have much of your rising signs physical traits. - My ADonis/Plut conj his Pluto:very intense and potent tie relates to sexual magnetism in double! Jealous of people who might be richer than them. One that you can easily relate to theatre, art and social gatherings? Venus in the 5th house: Lucky in love & Love their children. My Aphrodite is in Libra in 10th house (13 degrees) and widely conjunct my Pluto on 9 Libra - usually too wide to count for me. If they don't feel recognition, it can result in moodiness . MC EXACT, His VALENTINE in Sagittarius in his 2nd and in my 4th housetrine my moon in aries in 8th (2)bi-quintile my mars (0)trine my jupiter in leo in 12th (0)square my uranus in virgo in 1st (1)trine my AC in leo (2), His DR VALENTINE in capricorn in his 2nd house and my 6th house, My VALENTINE in cancer in my 2nd and in his 8th housequintile his venus (0)trine AC (1), My DR VALENTINE in cancer in my 11th house and his 7th housetrine his venus (1)bi-quintile his jupiter (0)trine his uranus (0)conjunct his juno (0)square his MC (0), His CUPID in Aries in his 5th house and my 8th housebi-quintile my AC (0), His DR CUPID in Taurus in his 5th house and my 9th houseconjunct my mars (0)square my jupiter (3)trine my uranus (3)trine my pluto (1)conjunct my MC (3), My CUPID in Cancer in my 11th house and his 8th housesquare his chiron (2), My DR CUPID in gemini in my 11th house and his 7th houseopposing his neptune (1)trine his pluto (0)opposing his AC (2), His APHRODITE in scorpio in his 12th house and my 3rd houseopposes my sun (1)opposes my mercury (2), His DR APHRODITE in sagittarius in his 12th house and my 4th housetrine my moon (3)trine my venus (0)trine my saturn (2)square my pluto (0), My APHRODITE in gemini in my 10th house and his 7th housesextile his sun (0)opposes his moon (1)squares his mercury (3), My DR APHRODITE in gemini in my 10th house and his 6th housetrine his MC (2), His PSYCHE in gemini in his 7th and my 10th house, His DR PSYCHE in cancer in his 7th house and my 11th housesquare my moon (2)square my venus (0)sextile my mars (0)trine my neptune (3) sextile my pluto (1)conjunct my valentine (0), My PSYCHE in scorpio in my 3rd house and his 12th housesquare his sun (1)sextile his mercury (0)square his mars (1), My DR PSYCHE in libra in my 3rd house and his 11th houseconjunct his venus (2)semi square his mars (0), His EROS in capricorn in his 2nd house and my 5th housesquare my chiron (0)trine my AC (1), His DR EROS in capricorn in his 2nd house and my 6th housesextile my saturn (1)square my MC (2), My EROS in libra in my 2nd house and his 11th housesemi square his sun (0)conjunct his venus (0)conjunct his uranus (2)trine his psyche (2)*sigh* lol, My DR EROS in virgo in my 2nd house and his 6th houseconjunct his sun (1)trine his moon (1)semi square his venus (1)conjunct his mars (1)square his saturn (3), his ADONiSopposes my venus (2)opposes my saturn (1)quincunx my MC (0), my ADONISsextile his mercury (1)squares his mars (0)squares his neptune (1)opposes his NN (3)conjunct his lilith (1), DW's of (tropical and draco)valentine/ACvalentine/jupitervalentine/uranuscupid/ACcupid/plutoaphrodite/sunaphrodite/mercuryaphrodite/moonpsyche/marspsyche/venuseros/saturn. Give also the meaning of the astedois youve asked about: 16 -- Psyche -- Perseverance of love, connection of a psychic nature, awakening of intuition, soul seeking completion. 2101 -- Adonis -- Spell bound love, sexual magnetism, the desire to arouse, please and fulfill the beloved. Capricorn in 2nd house - these people tend to value status. Others view them as lazy but its not their fault. I also got aphrodite in 8th house dat year. Apollo sextile mercury (gemini) square venus, trine mars and quintile saturn(gemini) In The Lost Hero, the cabin is described as a pink 'Barbie house' with a pink door, lace curtains and . You might be impulsive, dive in very quickly and burn out if you're not careful. Go forth down new roads and be the iconic pioneer you're capable of. See more. S--ual Planets in Fire signs I.e Venus in Sagittarius, Venus in Aries or Mars in Leo, Mars in Aries, Will cause natives sexual energies to sort of "burn" through them. Medusa Conjunct Pluto lolI will have to look up all my sabian's, houses, aspects etc.Have a great afternoon! Does Venus inconjunct the ascendant count as an opposition? Fixed sign have a reputation for being stubborn, but have you heard about cardinal sign? Star*Mate Composite Report by Pamela Thompson a dark but unique style and aesthetic Fixed Star Facies 8 Capricorn conjunct Ascendant gives a person a probing and intense stare. Please take note that these observations doesn't resonate with everyone. Looking to the schema, note that the 9th house, opposite the 3rd house, is the rejoicing place of the Sun and it is called God. Understand Significance Of The 10th House Astrology - MyPandit might get called shallow and superficial (sq. Attractive Placements in the birth chart , Venus in Fire Signs: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo; they can love with a very very very big passion and excitement, their motto in my opinion will be "We did this but at least, we had fun". I GOT LILITH CONJ ASC IN SCORPIO, LEO MIDHEAVEN CONJ MERCURY, SUN 10H, VARUNA CONJ MC n SQUARE ASC AND CONJ MERCURY n also my venus conjuncts jupiter, can any of u guess wats gonna happen? Cupid conjunct Venus conjunct Mars? - His Karma conj my Sapprho:it was fated again the fact that i was imediattely attracted and passionated by him. Same with a lot of Virgo placements. Power is very sexy. No matter which way it goes, the ending is the same. Tenth House in Astrology: The House of Social Status I only look at asteroids conj important parts of the chart not just in a house, Mar. R. Hey, I just found out about asteroids and am curious about the meanings of these aspects I have in my natal chart: Aphrodite`s Temples and Birth Place in astrology Aphrodite (aphros=foam) was born from the foam of the splashing ocean water the moment Uranus` genitals and semen fell into the sea at Petra tou Romiou near Paphos on the island of Cyprus. Thoughts on Aquarius aphrodite in 10h trine Saturn, conjunct Uranus, and square asc? This house looks to the long term, to meaning, purpose, and the big picture. jupiter in the 5th or positively aspecting your ascendant or inner planets in the 5th house: winning games, contests, bets, money, prizes without much effort. The kind of person to stare at someone and not moving their head only moving their eyes, thinking nobody will see them staring. Planetary Joys: The Third House Temple of the Moon Goddess Also, Libra are easy to influence imo. People with this placement are thus likely to attract good luck and karma throughout their professional journey. venus in the 4th: you may love your mom a lot. Jupiter in the 10th House - Aiming High in Life - Astroligion Would you know what this mix implies? But I LOVE Adonis, he ALWAYS plays a big role if I feel an attraction to someone, which is true even in regards to celebrities I like (or liked for a time). Cyprus Paphos Aphrodite Hills. Jealous of others speech style / knowledge. 4. These people should never work in the service industry because bumping into that many people can be too much for them since they absorb peoples energies. you could be attracted to well kept or veiny hands, people with vehicles like luxurious cars or motorcycles. it's that intense, unexplainable sexual attraction. But I will only list conjunctions, oppositions and trines. You have a luxurious vibe. Spirit in sag, conjunct Pluto, Square sun, sextile Mars. Queen of Cups Eros (433) Astrosaxena Aphrodite's cabin (#10) is the cabin that houses demigod offspring of Aphrodite. The 5th house is all aboutlove affairs, creativity,fertility, sex drive, dating, romance, fun, attention, and drama. I love love love all your info on asteroids! He is one half of the production duo The Neptunes (with Chad Hugo) with whom he produces hip-hop, R&B and pop music. They often indicate contact with foreign lands and cultures. unique beauty Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. Yes, thank you, how about you? - Jonnhys Apollo conj his AC- Adonis conj his Sun/Psych/Merc- Cupid conj his Saturn/Pluto- Sapprho conj his 5thcusp- Aphrodit its in his 9th,opose his Sun tight- Pan is exact conj his Kiron- Anteros is conj his Valentine.opose his VX, - My ANteros is conj my Pluto.trine my NN- Adonis is conj my Pluto- Cupid is conj my Neptune/IC- Sapprho is in my 8th,conj my Osiris- Aphrpdite is conj my Isis/MC- Pan is exact trine my VX and Jup- Apollo is conj my Sun, - His Psych/Adonis/Cupid falls in my 1st:my bf feels very attracted to my way of appearing and also awakes my soul in an intuitive way, - My Anteros conj his Sat/PLut/Cupid , falling in his 4th house: my loves longing i find in his deepest core and home.Feel my love returned through his commitment,intensity and himself. * My Lust squares his Pluto. The opposite sex will, likely, not be able to resist him. Aphrodite in 5th or 11th house in composite chart: You have been brought together for your heart's fulfillment through the fated . However, I agree, it is very time consuming to do all these analysises. Its how we play and express our uniqueness and creativity. Let me read ad re-read all of your posts and then give feedback along with my aspects LOL. It marks a time of transformation, which is often accompanied by deep introspection, worry, stress, fear or anxiety. I really love your website Very passionate. Eros Conjuct ASC and Psyche and sextile venus and aphrodite and sesquisquare bella It is also invaluable to understand how an eclipse or Saturn return is going to manifest in your life. Aphrodite was actually a goddess of war, not only sex, beauty, love and fertility. It's also the planet of Envy / Jealousy. Some numbers:VAlentine: 447Amor: 1221Eros: 433Psyche: 16Aphrodite: 1388Cupido: 763. I am not yet sure how to interprete Anteros. Watch out for unexpected or significant expenses or windfalls when this house is activated by transit. You might attract rich people. I have Aura in Libra and in the 10th house, it semi-squares my sun, opposes my venus and semi-squares my mars, what do you think this could mean? Aphrodite = Beauty? - Lindaland - Linda Goodman Well, the Valentine, Eros and Cupid placements seem to be rather intense.Aphrodite and Cupid are quite telling in regard to theatre (Cupid in Leo!) Venus oppose the Ascendant 2.Medusa conjunct the Ascendant This asteroid confers beauty on the native, but the native may have a subtle kind of "toughness" or a hidden kind of hostility. these are just a collection of some observations, thoughts, theories, and personal experiences. sag mercury: be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it.. Tenth House. Having a personal planet conjunct This star makes you extremely artistic which will be seen in the way you dress. Same with Moon/Lilith. Jealous of people with beautiful spouse. a firm believer in whichever doctrine they subscribe to. Perhaps youre pondering on a higher course of study, or teaching, writing, publishing, marketing, or legal work. or you may have harsh aspects to your rising sign. Thoughts on Aquarius aphrodite in 10h trine Saturn, conjunct Uranus, and square asc? Hello!! Im picking : they take their spiritual life seriously. Andy Warhol. Does anyone has any clue on how Aphrodite would work in synstry? venus in the 3rd house: you may like the way you think/your way of applying logic and processing information. Eros, Pan and Vertex are exactly conjunct each other (the widest orb is 028!) Aphrodite in the 7th House | Zodiac Amino First, a bit of data from the astronomical and hard science side of life. (NOT close your eyes completely and start dreaming like the neptunians tho). I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. Take care ~, My solar return chart of 2025, i feel like im gonna get popular, BUT HOW EXACTLY??? Jealous of people who travel more than them. Ive said it a lot of times before Venus in the 1st house in synastry is a beautiful synastry overlay, BUT its such a I want beef with you placement. BTW since I know the ascendant now, I can see where my asteroids fall into his chart. Aphrodite sextile my venus Listed as a minor planet, Medusa is commonly classed as an asteroidnumber 149 to be . You could meet your future spouse while doing business, in a office, out door marketing, managing an office project or even in an education project where you chose to lead. , those hearts are for you. Venus in the 2nd house: Rich af. Now back to this topic- with the guy I'm dating we have (all less than 2deg): His Mercury Conjunct my LustHis Uranus trine my LustHis Pluto Squre my LustMy Mars Conjunct his Lust, His Valentine Trine my SunMy Valentine Sextile his MercuryMy Valentine Sq his NeptuneMy Valentine Opposite his Cupid, His Cupid Trine my MarsMy Cupid conjunct his Venus My Cupid Opposite his NeptuneMy Cupid Trine his Pluto, My Adonis Conjunct his SunHis Adonis Sextile my VenusHis Adonis Sextile my Uranus, His Eros Conjunct my ValentineHis Eros Squre my UranusMy Eros Trine his SunMy Eros Sextile his Mars, Haven't check the Draco will get back laterrrr. They need to feel a part of society, to feel recognised and acknowledged by the people. When this house is activated by transit, there is more communication exchange involved. Painters. they share the same faith but they also have some important differences regarding their religious beliefs. Read the Medusa myth). The tenth house is the ruler of the parent that made the choices for the family, the one that was the leading figure, who could have been both a good example for the child and somebody to dread and fear. known for their beauty/fashion I have aphrodite conjunct northnode and chiron i wonder how it plays in my chart :))), What i have in my chart: Chiron in the Houses of the Natal Chart | Cafe Astrology .com might like to dress in violet and blue tones Thanks alot ???? I dont use Hebe. Pluto rising/Scorpio Rising - these people don't like other people to see their vulnerable side so they come off as intimidating and will only let you know what they want you to know. Jealous of people who might steal their spotlight in the workplace. The 10th house - Career, material success, reputation The Zodiac sign Capricorn and planet Saturn rule the 10th house. She will be very lovely, herself, as well, and will have a reputation for being beautiful. Its trine my Jupiter rx in virgo in the 1st and Juno Capricorn in the 5th far conjunct 6th! The Tenth House in astrology reveals your energetic disposition to goals, achievements, and success. Apollo instills a worshipful attitude in other people towards himself. Basic story: The Greek goddess Aphrodite rises from the foam of the waves of the sea, enchanting anyone who sees her and inciting feelings of love and lust wherever she goes. Eros: A FAMOUS SINGER IS PROVING HER VIRTUOSITY DURING AN OPERATIC PERFORMANCE. They have to spell things out for you if they're into you, to communicate their feelings to you, - You might be the last one to find out someone has feelings for you, - Your limbs and hair might stand out somehow (maybe you have tattoos on your hands, arms, legs, etc), - Your image and your presence will help you achieve your goals. might like to wear revealing clothing to rebel, Aphrodite conjunct mc at pisces, 1 degree, and opposites saturn. This is the most visible house highlighting your career, vocation, or status in the world. Click on a wheel to expand it. Mercury in 12th house will make you less communicative with others, very shy and secretive in communication, while you will get into an isolation mode. She was depicted as a beautiful woman often accompanied by the winged godling Eros (Love). My Valentine in Scorpio in my 12th:trine his Juno in Cancer in (my) 8th (005! His realm is a place of freedom from the pain of the world and his Queen, Persephone offers rebirth and a blessed afterlife. But you probably don't have to recalculate as long as you were looking at the natal part, not the progessions. I always found it curious having this asteroid in Libra, and then in such a public house. She is well known for her jealousy rather than her beauty. Sometimes its okay to close your eyes to protect your heart. Apollo, Union, Adonis (and Sappho widely) are conjunct in Libra in 10th house; the stellium sextiles my Sun and MErcury and trines my Psyche and Lilith. You can find 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom housing rentals in Berlin. enjoy! Aphrodite & Beauty | Seductive Gemini I mean, cappy. One of the largest inner asteroids is 443 Eros, an elongated body measuring 13 by 33 km (8 by 21 mi). YOU are the most important person to me. However, if you want me to help you to find Jesus, that is why I am here. BTW I loved your interpretation, you are becoming really great at it. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. Copyright 2000-2016 Send enquiry. Calm, beautiful aura that appears truthful & open-minded. so apparently i'm actually the vainest person in the world? trendsetter they dont have to try hard at all. My brother who is a Libra is easily influenced by his friends. Thanks! What about aphrodite in the first house retrograde? 10 More Aspects For Physical Appearance in the Natal Chart. 5. Mars Conjunct the MC Importantly, it also reveals your attitude towards and what you are looking for in a relationship. If you would like to choose one I will try to help, my Friend. how about Urania as asteroid for astrology? The answer to love's longing, a place to finally meet. Here we merge with the universe and the life beyond. aphrodite in 10th house June 24, 2022 by are eddie and venom in a relationship / Friday, 24 June 2022 / Published in ansible yum check if package is installed People with Ceres(1) in the 1st house or conjunct Sun look better without makeup than with it. sura rashi parivartannarmdeshwar shastriletestmiracle of astrologychamatkar jyotisha kavrishchik me surya ka falmesh rashi ka rashifalvrish rashi ka rashifal. Transits here may talk of psychotherapy, introspection, spirituality or suppressed emotions. Hesiod's account of her birth allegorizes the powerful sexuality of her nature. It is primarily associated with your career growth, achievements, reputation, recognition, and self-responsibilities. But I know that I will never get finished with interpreting my own chart (least others); it shows me new layers again and again, and that is what keeps it so exciting to me. This doesn't apply to everyone but Libra with Aquarius Moon tend to be kind if they want something from you. The sixth house also rules pets, so something could come up with them. Psyche: 14 Gemini in my tropical 7th houseBRIDGING PHYSICAL SPACE AND SOCIAL DISTINCTIONS, TWO MEN COMMUNICATE TELEPATHICALLY. The 10th house in astrology is the house of Career and reputation. But if the people surrounds them are introvert, they can also act introvert. In aspect to ascendant you can appear as very pretty, attractive and charming. ive noticed some people with this placement who dont have symmetrical faces might wonder why. In a birth chart, the cusp of the 10th house . Eros, Pan and Vertex are exactly conjunct each other (the widest orb is 028!) anybody have any other ideas how to see what my aphrodite is? The 10th House in Astrology - The Dark Pixie Astrology