d. The attackers had sought to keep President Donald Trump in power by preventing a joint session of Congress from counting the Electoral College votes to formalize the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. The Committee will monitor and conduct oversight of federal agency information security practices that are required under FISMA and OMB guidelines, as well as the role of DHS and other federal agencies in these activities. c. ), - A judicial ruling that serves as the basis for the ruling in a subsequent case, - let the decision stand, decision making according to precedent, Authority of a court to hear a case before any other court does, Authority of a court to hear case that have been tried, decided, or reexamined in other courts, The court grants a review when 4 or more justices agree that a case warrants full consideration, Judicial rulings that are suspected of being based on personal opinion, rather than existing law, Limits the powers of judges to strike down a law, Civil liberties/negative rights vs. Civil rights/positive rights (examples). The Committees drug policy efforts will be aimed at reducing the volume of illegal drugs available for domestic use, reducing the volume of improper access to and use of otherwise legal drugs, reviewing the. has provided the basis for an expanded role of the national government. Additionally, the Committee will examine high speed rail developments and concepts throughout the country, as well as overseas, to help determine the most feasible and cost-effective way to improve mass transit. Supervises the activities of the judicial branch Chooses its leadership Reviews the actions of subcommittees Passes legislation Follows up on the laws that it has enacted. The Committee will also pursue legislation to make the IGs more effective. with the president. The Committee will also continue to monitor the Chemical Safety Board, specifically its management, information sharing with other agencies, ability to retain employees, and investigative capabilities. The Reports Consolidation Act of 2000 requires the OIGs to identify and report the most serious management and performance problems within the agencies they monitor. The Committee will also examine the role of the Federal Government in internet regulation and governance, and the impact of data protection laws on U.S. economic interests. a. The Committee will examine the Presidential Library system, specifically looking at the governance of the Presidential Libraries, how the foundations interact with NARA, and how the foundations and NARA coordinate and cooperate to fulfill the mission of the Presidential Library system. To date, GAO has not been able to issue an audit opinion. override a presidential veto. To assist in its efforts, the Committee will continue to work with USPS, GAO, and other postal experts. joint committee d. Furthermore, the Committee will continue to review health care policy, procedures, and practices at the federal, state, and local level. provide opposition to the president pro tempore of the Senate. chooses its leadership. e. Oversight Hearings Congress has historically engaged in oversight of the executive branchspecifically the review, monitoring, and supervision of the implementation of legislation. Despite congressional oversight efforts, GAO has determined that there are serious weaknesses in the suspension and debarment programs of numerous agencies. The Committees oversight of U.S. diplomatic, military, and development efforts within the CENTCOM area of responsibility will include, but not be limited to: investigations of the training and equipping of the Afghan National Security Forces; the efficiency, accountability, and efficacy of a variety of development and reconstruction efforts, including the use of private contractors; the capacity of various U.S. Government agencies and departments to carry on activities in Afghanistan; and the State Departments diplomatic mission in Iraq and Afghanistan. Consulting with or getting reports directly from the president. How the bureaucracy has leeway to carry out the laws (administrative discretion, rulemaking) Administrative Discretion The latitude that Congress gives agencies to make policy in the spirit of their . b. The Committee will identify ways to reform the interagency process and eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse among the various U.S. national security agencies, departments, and foreign aid organizations. The Committee will also examine the status of our nations merchant marine, including the current condition of the ocean-going fleet in the foreign trade. The Committee will conduct oversight related to the budgetary and economic impact of Americas entitlement programs as well as options that would increase choice in health care markets and lower the health care cost curve. The Committee will look broadly at ways technology can improve governmental processes. These sections may be especially useful as an introduction to those who are relatively new to oversight. e. The Committee will also review the General Services Administrations fleet vehicle leasing and sales programs, as well as look into government ownership of fleets in other modes of transportation. The Committee will also conduct oversight of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), with a focus on ensuring that FDA strikes the right balance between the availability of drugs and medical devices and patient safety. Congress realized that it has not the time or expertise to make all policy decisions. The Committee will work to modernize the federal personnel system, and better align worker compensation with the private sector. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Which of the following statements about the people who work for Congress is false? While many federal regulations are necessary to effectively implement the laws that Congress passes to protect health, consumers, and the environment, federal regulations can also impose significant burdens on regulated industry. b. The Committee will continue its efforts related to oversight of waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement of federal government spending. The Committee will also continue to investigate improper payments distributed by federal agencies. The Committee will broadly examine federal land management with a focus on maintenance priorities, impact on states, return on investment and the impact of litigation. "Waters of the United States" (WOTUS) Rulemakings. the president to present an executive budget. The Committee will continue to monitor agency misuse of technology and identify oversight failures. The Committee will focus on problems at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in an effort to minimize the amount of taxpayer money misspent through Medicare and Medicaid. reviews the actions of subcommittees. the redrawing of district boundaries within each state. The Option B is correct. Also known as a congressional oversight, means an oversight by the United States Congress over the Executive Branch including the numerous U.S. federal agencies. Persistent, ongoing declines in mail. a. the leader of the majority party in the Senate. The Committee will continue oversight of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs care and management of veterans needs. Congress also plays an oversight role. Definition. The Committee will also examine the increase in federal entitlement programs, with a focus on waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement within those programs. The Committee will also continue to review the EPAs internal controls and workforce management. The Committee will continue to oversee and assess the efforts of the United States to secure and protect human rights and religious freedom throughout the world. Logrolling OC. Office of Management and Budget. To that end, the Committee will investigate waste, fraud, and abuse in federal contracting. The job of a conference committee is to An oversight is the process by which Congress follows up on the laws it has enacted. cannot engage in foreign diplomacy without the approval of the administration. The Committee will conduct oversight of U.S. diplomatic, military, and development efforts to address the issue of global terrorism both in the short-term and long-term. standing committee Although the constitution does not explicitly give this power to congress, it is exercised through: 1)oversight is done through powerful permanent standing committees, What did Woodrow Wilson say about Congressional Committees in 1884, 'Congressional government is committee government: Congress in its committee rooms is Congress at work'. 1. on upkeep and maintenance of those properties. One. c. d. The Committee will conduct oversight of the Administrations efforts to regulate the practice of hydraulic fracturing, which has been regulated by the states for decades. a. The Committees oversight will include, but not be limited to a review of U.S. military combatant commands, especially AFRICOM, SOUTHCOM, U.S. Agency for International Development, U.S. Institute of Peace, and the State Department. An important function of the House majority leader is to d. Rule X, Clause 2(d) of the Rules of the House requires each standing committee of the House to adopt and submit a two-year oversight plan to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the Committee on House Administration by February 15 of the first session of each Congress. Pro-Trump supporters storm the U.S. Capitol following a rally with President Donald Trump on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. decentralized and conducted by individual state governments. e. The DATA Act, if effectively implemented, will transform federal spending transparency by providing program and activity level spending information. The Committees oversight efforts will focus on maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of airport security, including technology, checkpoint screening, perimeter security, workforce requirements for screening agents, information sharing, and private sector solutions for increasing airport security. Reviews the actions of subcommittees OA. The ______ of the Senate is mostly a ceremonial position. This oversight will focus on the ESA litigation process, scientific independence and integrity, cost of ESA compliance, and transparency of the listing process. This authorization and oversight plan is filed pursuant to Rule X, clause 2(d)(1) of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives for the 118. th Congress. The Committee will also continue to examine the EPAs implementation of the Renewable Fuel Standard and its impact on consumers and businesses. unable to be reviewed in court. The Committee will review the process by which the 2020 Decennial Census will be conducted, its level of accuracy, and the appropriateness of the Decennials overall budget. In addition to these and other standing committees, Congress has the power to appoint temporary select oversight committees to investigate major problems or scandals within the executive branch. Because she declined the job, the state disqualified her, for unemployment benefits. The Committee will investigate allegations of waste, fraud, and abuse in the grants process within specific federal agencies and examine efforts to adopt consistent government-wide policies for grants applications and reporting. In particular, the Committee will focus on aviation, rail, port, and transit infrastructure, our northern and southwestern borders, and other facilities at risk, federal funding interaction with local responders, and efforts to strengthen the U.S. public health system. follows up on the laws it has enacted. e. Current challenges facing the executive branch, coupled with the deficit, require a new approach to government. In addition to appropriations, Congress has an oversight role over federal agencies. The Committee will continue to work with the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to review the implementation of government policies and procedures, and whether taxpayer dollars are being spent efficiently. the Emergency Revenue Generation Act. e. Which of the following is NOT a function of Congress? d. in conference committee. b. Finally, the Committee will focus on IT acquisition and oversight issues because far too many federal IT investments fail or incur cost overruns and schedule slippages and do not contribute to mission objectives.