Some state this entity is a vessel for Cthugha, while others speak of it as the Great Old Ones child that may one day evolve into an Old One in its own right. Paul is also one of the hosts of the horror and gaming podcast, The Good Friends of Jackson Elias. From time to time, reports of savage murders lead some to speculate that blood rites continue to be performed. Spells: while the Queen has access to any spells desired by the Keeper, the following spells are particularly suitable Bind Enemy, Cloud Memory, Contact Rat-Thing, Dampen Light, Dominate, Implant Fear, Mental Suggestion, Mind Blast, Send Dream, Sirens Song, Soul Singing, Spectral Razor, Venomous Glance, Wrath of Pazzuzu. With over 250 entries to inspire countless adventures. If reduced to zero hit points, Nyarlathoteps monstrous form shrivels a little and then flies off into interstellar space. June 08, 2021. . Once selected, the human becomes the entitys companion, mesmerized to spend all their time near to Chaugnar Faugn. While some may achieve a form of communication with the Old One, many simply interpret the meaning for themselves, acting on impulse and without regard or restraint. Such dire warnings have, it is said, allowed these chosen individuals to act and prevent the forthcoming doom from taking place. Of course, often some individuals escape arrest or death and go on to found new groups, bringing the tainted creed of Ygolonac to others. Fighting 60% (30/12), damage 1D6 to 3D6 Armor Varies; from none to a 6-point hard shell. If bursting after six or more months, the organic matter takes on a more horrific form, appearing to have vestigial human-like (though clearly not human) limbs, provoking a Sanity roll (1D6/1D10 loss) and inflicting 1D6+2 damage. The victim may escape death if they can inflict 6+ damage to open a way out of the bulb. Don't be a pirate. Often, a cult will form and begin a rapid phase of growth, recruiting whoever it can to swell its ranks, and then disappear without a tracethe members summoned by their god to make pilgrimage deep into to earth, only to then be consumed, although a few may be allowed to return 204 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS may be excavated from the ground or else found within certain collections (usually misattributed to some primitive earthly deity). The Zanthu Tablets do, however, suggest that a spell exists for summoning Ythogtha, although the text makes no mention of its name or location. of the cosmic order, and are an entirely different form of consciousness and life, and one that may eventually consume and destroy all things in a bid to meld their reality with our own. Powers Threefold Form: its natural state is formless, able to take residence within plant life, but it may physically manifest in either satyr or monstrous form. Kill Light: diminishes or dampens light in the vicinity (costing 2 or more magic points). Can it control the environment? Such beauty appears in no way artificial but is earthy and natural, almost magical. Used with permission. Abhoth creates pseudopods and limbs at will, using these to grasp countless numbers of its offspring so it may devour them, returning these twisted and unwholesome births back into its primal mass; of course, some manage to avoid being eaten and manage to escape. of connection are not without dire risk, as certain pieces of lore state that human eyes and minds cannot behold the totality that is Azathoth, and, to do so, would melt ones eyes and brain. Let us not forget the wise words attributed to Police Inspector Cecil McRoode (whereabouts currently unknown): Theres a reason why more people go missing in the Severn Valley than most places. Despite its inability or unwillingness to depart its labyrinth, Eihort is apparently able to extend its agenda beyond its dismal and grimy confines by the use of both psychic and physical means. For it is said, the playscript hides secrets that reveal wondrous promises for those who recognize the majesty and splendor of the King. At other times, Lilith appears as a glowing leprous figure, vaguely humanlike, with extended phosphorescent limbs and bestial or decayed features. 6 I offer my journals as a compilation of what I have learned and as a gloss and testament to the secrets that most scholars refuse to accept. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: TULZSCHA Magic POW: 75 Magic Points: 15 Spells: Animate Flesh Thing, Augury (variant), Bestow Glimpse of Truth, Call Forth the Worm, Contact Ghoul, Contact Human (variant), Deaths Breath (variant), Embrace of Yog-Sothoth, Touch of Decay; others as the Keeper desires. Other names: Demon-Bird, Rott-Ukka. The victim may attempt to break free with an Extreme STR roll or sever the attached tendrils with a slashing weapon (a fumble probably means slicing their own face off in the process); colleagues may assist either venture, dropping the difficulty of the STR roll or making their own slashing attacks. Bast 41 CHAPTER 2 m a l Encounters Some dreamers recount seeing temples to Bast in the Dreamlands where the cult of the goddess appears to remain active and strong. bullets) to deal minimum possible damage. *Entity is probably destroyed, but reforms in 1D10 minutes and is now radioactive. The timelines were updated by John French and Mike Mason. Magic POW: 300 Magic Points: 60 Spells: none. It is alleged to sweep across space and descend on planets, where it fundamentally corrupts and 99 CHAPTER 2 m a l beyond the notion of disease and instead concern mutation on a grander scale, with complex lifeforms being altered to better serve the Old Ones. And this shall precede their return. It remains uncertain whether Mu is simply sunken (like dead Rlyeh) or exists outside of time and space, perhaps now locked in a bubble dimension or out of phase with our space-time. Thus, each shard is part of the whole but able to take form and operate independently, giving rise to the Old Ones appearance at different times and places, although each seemingly linked to a particular body of water (the entity seems to prefer submersion when resting). Perhaps old beliefs from Europe and farther afield that took root in the fertile soil of America allowed Arwassa to travel beyond Europe. Dan Harms' Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia, published by Arc Dream Publishing, is also an invaluable literary resource. Any contact with Daoloth would be unnerving and ultimately bizarre, outlandish, and alien. What is its weakness? Drawn from the history of the Call of Cthulhu game, the entries herein present a diverse range of Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, Elder Gods, Avatars, and Unique Beings. Other names: Ghe-Zulth, Lord of the Deeps, Spawn of Cxaxukluth. Other names: the Berkeley Toad, the Dark Shambler, the Serpent-Bearded One. Cannot be harmed by mundane weapons (incl. Aura An instant revulsion and comprehension of wrongness. Possible Blessings Gather the Sea: grants the power to create oceanic whirlpools of varying size, some capable of capsizing a medium-sized vessel, with the expenditure of magic points (10 points being capable of capsizing a vessel of approximately 20 feet/6m in length, with multiples of 10 increasing the power to affect larger vessels per +20 feet). Dismissal: the only known spell capable of dismissing BuggShash is said to be found in the Cthaat Aquadingen and the Necronomicon, both being hard to find tomes. Maddening Music: those hearing the insidious music created by the Great God Pan may be overwhelmed with fear and panic, calling for a Sanity roll (0/1D8 loss); with a fumbled result requiring a CON rollif also fumbled, results in instant death from a sudden heart attack. The persons vision darkens momentarily and they sense an alien mind beginning to impose upon their ownstrange thoughts begin to swirl around in their mind, and without explanation the character begins to speak in foreign and alien tongues they have never heard, spouting bits of history and facts they couldnt possibly know. Some tomes report that sections of this web can be found in secret places deep in the earth, allowing one to venture onto the web, using it as a bridge to cross over a bottomless cavern, and from there travel to different places and even times. Others may find themselves caught in the midst of waring wizards using the blessings of Yibb-Tstll in the attempt to master or murder the other. The Red Sisterhood, the Burning Hearts, and the Daughters of Blood are just three cults worshipping the Lady of the Woods in their own unique way and on their own terms. In this regard, most scholars consider this to be the last of the Old Ones to fall (be it through lack of sustenance or somehow caused by Elder magics). Majestic, he glides over the ground to take his throne in Lost Carcosa, for he is the King that was and shall be. ", "Jaw-droppingits exquisite art and its refined text make it one of the most striking publications of the current edition. Purchasers of physical products get the PDFs for free. Man rules now where They ruled once; They shall soon rule where man rules now. The Ravening One, killer from the void Devour Brain (mnvr): if successful, target is entangled in writhing tentacles. Long Life: those who accept servitude are blessed with un-life, free from the pains and sorrow of life. Ancient secrets, whispered lore, and collected facts concerning the alien and otherworldly horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. physical book goes on sale to offset the PDF purchase price you have already paid. Fighting Engulf 80% (40/16), damage 3D6 70% (35/14), damage death (see Total Consumption above) Armor None. The connection to Yig may not be as strong as some scholars and writers would insist, as others make mention of a link between Byatis, Han, and one other as yet unnamed deity. Some suggest a few secretive human groups, who have learned of the Old One in books, have turned their attention to the entity and prepare for the day when it shall come to Earth; perhaps, such folk believe that by establishing their devotion to Hziulquoigmnzhah they will find favor and be rewarded. 57 m a l may allow a roll if the control causes the subject to act in a manner significantly against their wellbeing), they are successfully Psychoanalyzed by a third party, or BMoth relinquishes its control. The impression was strong: that of a huge white worm, whose bulbous and segmented flesh was coiled into a blubber pile upon a great dais. Further fuel to this notion is provided by the insufferable nightmares said to have plagued Asselin while in the region, which is said to be a psychic manifestation of the Old One and its minions. At certain yearly festivals, the light of the moon hits the curious convex lens and is bounced around the weird array of circling mirrors that are all mounted atop the Moon-Lens structure, with this light apparently calling forth the Keeper to accept sacrifices. It is said that certain idols of Quachil Uttaus have the power to summon the deity, with such effigies bringing death to those who possess them. The appearance of the Yellow Sign or the text of The King in Yellow may be the sparks that light the touch paper. For others, they see the deity as a doorway, whose touch grants transcendence from this life to another. The Elder magic appears to be engraved into the land, affecting anyone who joins the community and lives there for 12 months. Rumors circulate about a group calling themselves the Bound Ones operating out of the Pacific West, who apparently attempt to recruit human twins to their cause. 225 Yog-Sothoth 232 20 UNKNOWABLE: ABOUT THE GODS OF THE MYTHOS AVATARS ELDER GODS Aforgomon (Yog-Sothoth) 234 Ahtu (Nyarlathotep) 154 Amber Elder (Hastur) 104 BMoth (Cthulhu) 56 Beast, The & Faceless god (Nyarlathotep) 155 Black Pharaoh (Nyarlathotep) 146 Black Wind, The (Nyarlathotep) 156 Bloated Woman, The (Nyarlathotep) 147 Bloody Tongue, The (Nyarlathotep) 157 Chorazin (Cthulhu) 59 Death-Walker (Ithaqua) 120 Dweller in Darkness (Nyarlathotep) 157 Great God Pan (Shub-Niggurath) 195 Green Man (Nyarlathotep) 147 Haunter of the Dark, The (Nyarlathotep) 158 Horned One (Nyarlathotep) 148 Human Forms (Nyarlathotep) 146 Keeper of the Moon-Lens, The (Shub-Niggurath) 197 King in Yellow (Hastur) 108 Kruschtya Equation (Nyarlathotep) 160 Lady of the Woods, The (Shub-Niggurath) 192 Leviathan (Cthulhu) 60 Madam Yi (Yidhra) 228 Messenger of the Old Ones (Nyarlathotep) 161 Queen in Red (Nyarlathotep) 150 Ravening One, The (Hastur) 106 Sacred Light, The (Daoloth) 75 Skinless One, The (Nyarlathotep) 151 Small Crawler, The (Nyarlathotep) 162 Tawil atUmr (Yog-Sothoth) 237 Tick Tock Man (Nyarlathotep) 153 Utulls-Hrher (Shub-Niggurath ? Indeed, throughout human history, there appears to have been times when Cthulhus deep sleep has become fitful or akin to near wakefulness, with its psychic emanations seemingly growing temporarily more powerful and affecting larger cross-sections of human society around the world. Those most sensitive (POW 70+ or psychics) may sense the aura weighing them down, with greater feelings of uselessness and despair pounding their minds. Aura The sense of a dormant, lurking terror that cannot be seen. Said to be at least 10 times the height of a man. Entries for the monsters have been tweaked, edited, updated, and corrected. Aura Shimmering and cascading emanations of light appear to herald this entitys arrival. The Dragon's Trove will be happy to sell high end RPG products for you. At times, the entity possesses wings and wears a shining halo over its head. If reduced to zero hit points, Ossadagowah becomes a shapeless cloud and rapidly dissipates. At first, it seemed like dark clouds had gathered above our heads. Interestingly, such ecstatic worship reminds us of Pan, the Greek god of shepherds, woodlands, and sexuality, and who (for some) later becomes entwined as a male aspect or avatar of Shub-Niggurath (see Great God Pan). What seems certain is its current freedom, but what drew it and keeps it returning to the Earth remains a mystery. Other names: Doom Maker, the Harbinger, Nemesis, World Killer. Of course, the affected persons whole attention is focused on the puzzle, so they are unable to feed or care for themselves, and require others to attend to them and feed them. The truth is unknown and the historical record is fragmentary at best. Some scholars have reported seeing effigies of XadaHgla possessed by the fungi from Yuggoth (see Mi-Go), and some human agents have been overheard speaking the avatars name. Second by second, their mental powers increase as Nyarlathoteps thoughts flood their mind, preparing their body for the final outcome. In human reckoning, Hypnos seems to have first come to the attention in the ancient world of the Greeks (ancient Roman also, where the god was called Somnus). As a result, a human would be unable to move until the Old One departs (a process likely to cause a human host to die, if they havent already died from some new and horrific lifeform bursting from their chest or head). In time, the carrier themselves begins to alter, their cells and flesh mutating at the incitement of Hastalk within; as to what horrors such folk become is left to the Keeper to determine. Lastly, earthly encounters will primarily take place in damp and dark surroundings, which the entity seems to prefer. Given the belief that this text is written and added to by Glaakis servants, under its direct command, it becomes difficult to apportion truth. In many tales, the arrival of a summoned Old One is heralded or accompanied by other lesser beings, perhaps servants or courtiers? TO. It is feasible to assume it may replicate other forms, such as multiple burning spheres or roughly humanoid, although we have no clear evidence of this. Yet, unchecked, such creation is overly abundant, choking, and self-consuming. Sanity Loss The standard Sanity point loss when encountering the entity. EverythingChaosium has put out for 7th edition has been simply amazing. It does seem that remnants of Elder magic cling to this entity, as it appears unable to move far from its watery home(s). One feels unclean and somehow tainted. Well worth the cost and probably worth more than the asking price. It remains a possibility that the Cult of Cthulhu possesses rites and the appropriate spell to contact or summon a portion of these entities temporarily to Earth, perhaps as the climax to specific ceremonies. Direct contact with this entity would probably arise only through the machinations of its followers, although those having use of a Gate may inadvertently find themselves in the Old Ones domain. The lesser spawn of the Green Abyss venerate these ancient beings in god-like terms. They remain alive despite their corrupting frame and, according to some accounts, cannot be killed. For a few followers, Yidhra may reveal its true form, driving them mad and thereby ensuring their total devotion. The Cult of Mordiggian (or Cult of the Charnel God) is ancient, dating back (according to the ghouls) to the Beginning of Days, when the ghouls were said to have learned the secrets of magic and called forth Mordiggian from the most awful blackness of unbeing. Only ghouls may be members of the cult, although some knowing humans have at times petitioned for membership, only to be turned away until the day when they earn the right to become a ghoul (a strange process requiring a human to spend time among ghouls are partake fully in ghoul life). During this period, the Pnakotic Manuscripts describes Rhan Tegoth as being worshipped by the gnoph-keh and cannibalistic pre-humans (possibly voormis), and holding court upon an ivory throne. The text goes on to state that the deity fell into a millennia-long torpor, which most believe continues to this day. The Necronomicon says that when first summoned, Trunembra plays the Music of the Spheres but may change its tune to accommodate its new listeners as, through its sounds, it may convey messages, teach spells, and accept sacrifices. He enjoys fine whiskey, gin, and has a penchant for fountain pens. For others, the entity is like a disease, ever consuming, taking earthly matter and re-conforming this to its will. It taketh the vine and the soil and through these shall form its flesh. Plenty of horror can be had by having such entities employ a well-placed human as a host for a temporary possession, which makes for particularly terrifying and gruesome encounters. As such, this is what we suggest: This build centers around gaining benefits from using your Brain Burst and gaining Warp Charges. Aura In being and influence, Eihort imposes confusion and doubt like a cancerous miasma, causing people to doubt their senses and second guess themselves. The Horned Ones description varies slightly from culture to culture. The creatures can be killed with a hard slap or stomp (with 1D10 killed per round by a focused individual). The victim may attempt to detach the feeding limb with an Extreme STR roll or sever it if 10 damage can be inflicted with a slashing (impaling) weapon (see Armor). It is said to dwell outside of our reality in another dimension unlike our own, where tides of chaos wash over and twist the senses and where the air seethes and corrupts. Quite what the effect of such a place upon a human visitor would be is uncertain, but, from the minimal description we have, it is likely not a good one. The latter may eventually become murderous automatons but, before they get to that point, they may simply be innocents striving to reconcile the strange thoughts, visions, or dreams they have become receptive to. Our partners will collect data and use cookies for ad personalization and measurement. STR 220 Ghizguth, lord of the deeps Sanity Loss: 1D8/1D20 Sanity points. But, they were not clouds I realized as they coalesced and took form, the air seeming to harden and take awful fleshy shape. The people of Goatswood rarely venture beyond the towns borders, which are surrounded by dense woods, with only one road connecting to main routes through the Seven Valley, although trains do also provide access to and through the town. Manipulate Space: may alter the physical reality of space within a 100 year/meter radius, and can transport others through space in much the same manner as a Gate spell. VOLUME II CHA23169-H $XX.XX V olume Ii deities of th e mY tHOs For more information about Chaosium and Chaosium publications, please see our website at Printed in Lithuania Mike Mason, Scott David aniolowski, 23169-H LOc Muzy, and Paul Fricker CTH U LH U MYTHOS BESTIARY V olume Ii deities of th e mY tHOs Mike Mason, Scott David aniolowski, Loc Muzy, and Paul Fricker CREDITS Authors Layout Mike Mason, Scott David Aniolowski, with Paul Fricker Nicholas Nacario Editorial Art Direction Mike Mason, Lynne Hardy Mike Mason Cover and Interior Art Licensing Loc Muzy Michael OBrien, James Lowder, and Mike Mason Proofreading Call of Cthulhu Line Editor Matt Click and Keith Mageau Mike Mason This supplement is best used with the Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition) roleplaying game and optionally the Pulp Cthulhu sourcebook, both available separately. The wide diversity, differing agendas, and modes of operation mean the activities of each group varies significantly, with only the holding of ceremonial rites in honor of their god common to them all, although even in this the many groups vary, with the orgiastic gatherings performed by some distinct from the sedate and civilized approach taken by others. Kassogtha, Nctosa & Nctolhu, and Utulls-Hrher copyright 2020 Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. Used with permission. Clearly, a warning for us to go no further lest we bring Basts anger and retribution on our heads. Other names: the Dream-Witch, Mother of Woe, the Shroud, Yee-Tho-Rah. If reduced to zero hit points, Ahtu crashes to the ground and rapidly dissolves into a lake of viscous fluid-matter. Possible Blessings Carrion Call: able to summon a gathering of vermin and insects to obscure or obstruct others (costing 5 or more magic points). The rapidity of the advancement of the machine to full manifestation varies, happening over days, months, or years. The Lady of the Woods Thus, most consider the Lady of the Woods to be a herald of the Old Ones and a teacher preparing humanity by instigating lawless and immoral behavior. The shock of the displacement may cause the new host body to die within 1D10 rounds (determined by a Luck roll made by the human mind displaced); if such death occurs, the transported mind suffers a Sanity roll (1D4/2D4+1 loss) but is then shot back into its natural body. Our partners offer products for playing this scenario online. The avatar may instead bite with 2D3 mouths. Ice Touch: results in the instant destruction of living flesh (see below) unless the target can make a successful Hard CON roll. Aura Crush (mnvr): its rolling bulk deals 5D6 damage to those unable to escape its path. Whether tales of the Kraken, sea serpents and other ocean-borne weirdness are the result of sightings of Hydra and Dagon will, undoubtedly, remain a curious mystery. Here, the Old One is worshiped by both necromancers and ghouls, STR 175 CON 380 SIZ 200* DEX 100 *SIZ may vary, from 100 to 300, depending on the form taken. The body mass usually is crafted to appear rubbery or rugose, with some idols detailing curious growth or warts, and possessing prodigious claws or hands on hind and fore feet. Such beings know their time is coming to an end, but do all they can to squeeze out another day of existence, sometimes manipulating the lesser species of the cosmos to stymie or battle the forces and agendas of the Old Ones and Outer Gods, who will eventually grow more powerful on a scale incomprehensible to humanity.